
Humane Society of the United States Revealed

The Dairy Farmer received this link from one of his daily dairy industry updates.  He feels it gives a pretty good perspective on the true identity of HSUS (Humane Society of the United States).  He feels this is very important for our industry to get the facts out about the differences between your local animal shelters or humane societies and these country wide extremist groups. 

It's The DF''s opinion that the reason groups such as HSUS and PETA have so much support is largely due to the misconception that they are part of local animal shelters across the country.

Please view this video below.   It was created by Missouri Farmers Care Coalition, who felt compelled to try and shed some light.  

Do not get us wrong.  We do support our local animal shelter and we do realize that there is mistreatment of animals all over the world, whether it is house pets, wildlife or farm animals.  This is not in any way acceptable.  There are many groups out there who do take on the voice of the animals and make sure that they are always treated humanely.  

 Our concern is that many people watch the ad's on TV, with the gut wrenching music and the sick, injured, homeless dogs and cats with the ginormous liquid brown eyes and their hearts bleed for them.  Huge donations are made to the HSUS and PETA, hoping that that poor skinny dog gets help and finds his forever home, when really, VERY little money goes to help those pet/shelter organizations, in fact, less than 1% of their budget.  That is absurd.    

If  the HSUS continues spending over 25 million each year trying to shut down "agriculture," and if they continue spending millions to try and end "hunting"  we are going to sit in our houses and starve to death while our front yards are taken over by wildlife!  You do realize that deer will not stop breeding, just because humans were forced to put down their weapons, right?  

 I am an animal lover.  I love my dogs, cats, horses and sometimes, I love my calves.   But, I do realize that our cows are livestock.  I also realize that animals are just that....they are not human, they do not think like me, talk like me and luckily, for many of you, they don't act like me.   It is humane to allow our cattle to live in a barn.  They are not on pasture.  Do you think they are thankful in the summer, when it is 95 degrees and 100% humidity and we have cool air blowing on them and sprinklers misting them to keep them from overheating?   I sure think that's the better alternative to huddling under 1 tree out in the middle of a pasture trying to stay cool and going insane because they are covered with biting flies. 

In reality, we keep our cows comfortable, because we need them.  We need them to provide for our family and for every one of you.  They are here for a purpose, to feed the world.   If we take away the dairy/beef farms, hog farms and chicken farms.  We are back to eating macadamia nuts with Roseanne Barr and it won't be too darn long until PETA starts advocating for the rights of the nut.   We will continue to keep our cows healthy, comfortable and content......but they are livestock, not house pets. 

You can find some information at HUMANE WATCH   which is a "watchdog" organization for HSUS.  Take it as you will, but I found a lot of interesting information just browsing their blog.  As like all things you read on the web....some things may be misleading or mistruths.  You do need to be careful about what you are reading.  The quotes mentioned above can be found in the listed articles.  The financial statistics can be found on the HSUS tax return.

But, the bottom line is this, if you want to help homeless, abandoned, mistreated animals.  Contact your LOCAL animal shelter and ask what you can do.  When you donate to your LOCAL animal shelter, you can be sure that your funds are being used to help those animals who really need it.