
A spoonful of Sugar

Aren't you lucky?  You are the very first to know.......I am sitting here working on business "stuff" and an email came through from The Dairy Farmer.   He went in to the maternity pen this morning and guess what he found?

That's right......a little Sugar arrived and that ain't no April Fool's joke.  And, we're so happy, cuz she's a she and she's a red!  We get to keep her!    The DF wasn't sure she was bred to a red bull, so we didn't know what we might get.  We prefer those red bulls because they give you wings.  Get it?  Red Bull....you know....like the energy drink.   Yeah, I know, sorry. 

 The punks don't even know she's here  because I've already shipped their little hineys off to school.  You got to hear the news first and see her up close and personal.  Aren't you a privileged lot?    Stay tuned for .....drum roll please.........THE NAMING OF THE CALF.... which will happen around 4pm this afternoon.