Is This Normal?

I have a niece.  Her name is Boo and she is the best thing since sliced bread.  She's 16 months old and I'd bet a week's pay that she's the cutest daggum toddler east of the Mississippi.  There is one problem.  She does not live next door to me.  In fact, she doesn't even live close by.  She's a Jersey girl.  I know, it could be worse, she could live in India or Antarctica or Timbuktu.  Jersey's really not that far away, but it is like a whole different world.  A world of odd smells (and that's coming from a farmer's wife), lack of street signs and potholes bigger than my pickem up truck. 

When I was in the hospital, my sister came to visit and Boo came along.  But, you know, babies and hospitals aren't the best combo, so she stayed away.  I'm feeling better now and it was high time to have a Boo fix, so we packed up and headed to Jersey last weekend. 

Now, my son capital L loves his little cousin.  And, I realized last weekend that it is totally mutual.  They have had a bond since the first day they laid eyes on one another.  I mean, how could you not be infatuated with her.  And, Aidan dotes on her hand and foot.  He plays with her, he feeds her, he gets her whatever she wants.  He is her.....manny.    She's able to talk now and we spent the entire weekend listening to her tell "Aidy" what to do.

I mean, can SEE the love!

Aidy!  Color!  And he does.

Aidy!  Jacket!  And he puts on her shoes and jacket, she grabs his hand and they are ready to go out on the town.

 Aidy!  Nite Nite!  And he lays down with her in his sleeping bag.

 Yes indeedy.....they have a bond. I may have to steal her and make her live with me. 

Now, I do have another child and she loves Boo just as much.  But, they have a different sort of bond.  A bond that involves a television and Mickey Mouse Club House. 

Hello?  Hello?  Bueller?  Bueller?  Nope.....nothing.