
Come to my window

Crawl inside and wait by the light of the moon......if you live in the greater Chambersburg area, you know that we have some serious dark, damp, deep depression going on here.  It is spring and with spring comes rain....it just seems that we are seeing our fair share.  Now, as the better half of a farm couple, I try not to complain when we have rain.  There will be a time that we are praying long and hard and dancing in our undies hoping to see a few drops.  Perfect example......last summer  And we are paying the price for a drought now.    But, seems that when we are privy to a day of gorgeosity here and there....70 degrees, sunny, warm....and then....SNATCH!  It's taken away, that's what makes it tricky to make it through the dreary, rainy days. 

Here is what it looks like around here:

Can you see the rain??????  Poor, dumb horses.  I bet they wish their owner had a nice, warm, dry barn for them.  Wait....she does!!!  They just don't use it!!!  With the rain comes lush green grass and these guys know they better get it while the gettin' is good.

One day this week, we had a break from the rain.  I was working in my stamping room and suddenly, I realized the house was unusually quiet.  What's the deal with that?   So, I went in search of the punks to make sure they were both still breathing.    I walked into The Diary Farmer's office and I saw something amazing outside his window.  Quickly, I ran and grabbed my camera, tore open the shutters and threw up the sash....and here is what I saw:

side bar:  when jr. edition was in 3rd grade, they recited Twas the Night Before Christmas.  His line was the one I just wrote.....he asked me what a "sash" was and if it hurt when you threw it up.  Classic.

Ok...so here is the view outside my window:

A game of catch was going on.  Now, it's not often that The DF is done working when it's still light outside.  Or when the weather is nice....so for him to be home "early" AND take the punks out to play ball was unheard of....but there they are, complete with The Beast.  And, if you have never seen the movie The Sandlot...well then.....you're killin' me, Smalls.   Best.....Movie......Ever. 

The Beast spotted me and hurried over to my window to say "hi."  And to ask me to please wipe his massive drool string.  It had wrapped around his leg and he was having trouble walking.

I also caught a glimpse of some free range chickies.  There is pure joy when the ladies get to "chicken" all around the yard.  I wish you could hear their happy chicken sounds.

At some point, the ladies overstep their bounds and have to be herded back into their pen.  Go Chicken Wrangler.  We've tried to let them out for longer periods of time, but despite the fact that we have acres and acres for them to hang out in....they always go to the road.  And a dead chicken is no fun.    We've also had a hawk come after the girls in the past, so we keep them protected at night.   Country livin' can be tough!

Then this showed up at my window......thought you might like a bird's eye view.