
Have I gone mad?

The other day I posted about my birth defect.....sadly, I was born without a cooking gene.  The Dairy Farmer is well aware of this situation and he still loves me.  We decided early on in our courtship that if either one of us planned on living, he was going to have to do some cooking....and I was happy to clean up.  Now, you might think I am getting the better end of the bargain, but let me tell you that when a person KNOWS they don't have to clean up after themselves while making dinner....they really don't care what mess they leave in their wake. 

For years, this unwritten agreement has worked well for us.  Until I got sick.  Many kind hearted friends and family provided us with lots of meals.  Our fridge and freezer are well stocked and The Dairy Farmer hasn't had to cook in weeks.  He has become complacent, he doesn't hang out in the kitchen anymore, he doesn't google cooks.com looking for new and exciting recipes, he hasn't made a pot of "kitchen sink" soup in forever!   It's true....The Dairy Farmer quit on us!

Now, we're coming to the end of our prepared meals and I think he got scared.  He enjoyed his sabbatical and really isn't too keen on having to be the chef of the house.  Again, all of us have grown accustomed to living, so he made a suggestion the other day.  He thought, maybe....just maybe....he and I could take a few hours, prepare some dinners and freeze them.  Then, we'd always have meals to fall back on.  He...wanted me.....to <gasp>......cook?  with him?  in the same kitchen?   at the same time?  Oh dear. 

Friday afternoon, he schlepped off to The Wal Mart to gather supplies.  Saturday morning, we began this crazy task.    We did well.  The kids were shipped off to a grandparents (that solved a big issue right there) and we locked the dogs in the living room (another problem solved) and we got to right down to business.

Here is what we made:

That's FIVE....count em FIVE containers of Chicken Spaghetti thanks to my friend, Jenn and The Pioneer Woman! Love 'em both more than my luggage!

Two pans of crust less quiche.  It wasn't supposed to be crust less, but we had a misunderstanding and we went with it.

There was a casualty.....my sink.  But, she took one for the team, as we kept filling her up with dirty dishes.   She didn't complain once.

After she coded, we were able to revive her.  With a little soap and warm water, she quickly came around.  And the best news of all......we walked out of the kitchen with a freezer full of food and a marriage still intact.