

Well, it's Thursday, April 21st and my living room looks surprisingly like it did on April 17th. Shocking, I know.  Just thought I should tell you.  I did ask about the floors and  a "maybe this weekend" was heard.  Key word in that sentence "maybe."  In almost 15 years of marriage, I have learned that "maybe" means "not on your life, so don't hold your breath, sister."  I do know that weather like we've been having is making The Dairy Farmer put his finger to his temple- you know...pretend gun style.   He can't get out in the fields to plant and the more rain we have- the more our manure pit is rising.  If you can't get in the fields to plant, you sure can't get in the fields to spread manure either. 

 So, if you are a local and you know where our farm is located.....you know that our manure pit sits right out front for all the world to see.  We know it's not the most attractive aspect of our farm and it sure isn't where we'd prefer to have it located, but when your farm's located on a bit of a grade and last I checked....shit still flows downhill.....you gotta work with what you have.   As you drive by- say a little prayer that all things stay where they belong and that we get a few nice days to firm up the ground and that we don't have any spillage.  We do have some select individuals who think it's their duty to watch the lip of our pit as they drive by....just waiting for a drop to flow over.  If you're reading this and you're one of "those" people...we know, ok.  We've got it under control. 

And, another update in case you were curious.....remember this?

This is The Golden child's sister.....Goldilocks- and she showed up on my porch on January 18th. I told her she wasn't allowed to come in.  I only have room in my life for one vintage 1970's baby shit yellow piece of furniture.    Guess where she is now?  Residing in my garage. She's been there since January and I'm sure she ain't going anywhere none too soon. 

Things around this place move S-L-O-W.....it's kinda like living on island time, but without the warm sun, the salty ocean breeze and the dark skinned cabana boys serving you fruity drinks and fanning you with large palm fronds.  I'm in desperate need of some island living.....and, then, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't give a rip about my hardwood floors or maybe....I just need a drink.