
That's It! We're outta here!

We've had enough of this farm life and we're packing our bags and hitting the road, Jack.   That's right, The Dairy Farmer is ready to live the good life in the city.  He's trading in his muck boots for a 3 piece suit.  He's trading in his pickem up truck for a Benz.  He's going to try his hand at lawyer-ing, or broker-ing or president-ing....or some sort of occupation that involves an expensive suit.

This is my living room- unloaded.  All my precious knick knacks are all packed up waiting for the moving men to show up.  Oh....I kid.  We can't leave this farm....and The Dairy Farmer certainly isn't cut out to wear a suit.  Well, he is actually.  He looks good in a suit... but not everyday.  I like his faded levis and worn work boots.  I digress.....

I'm actually putting this picture up as a public challenge for The DF.    When I was sick (I kinda get tired of saying that...but I have a feeling that's how my life is referenced now....when you have a fancy french illness that affects your life, that's what happens) The DF borrowed a recliner from his momma for me to rest in while my nerves mended.  Well....now he wants a recliner....so in Aidan fashion, he "gave" me the gift of one for my birthday.   

Now, I'm not a big recliner fan.  They seem to be big and bulky and remind me of  "pap's chair."  But, they are comfy and I could be persuaded by the right one.   We went shopping for the perfect chair....and ended up with a full, leather sofa with 2 end recliners.  Sweet!  But, there was a stipulation placed upon the DF prior to our shopping trip......before any new furniture (or TV or sound system....cuz you know with new furniture comes new electronics) enter our living room, our poor, sad, neglected hardwoods need refinished.  Not a problem, he said.  I can do it myself....we'll just move everything out, enclose the room in plastic and go to town.

We ordered our new ...did I say leather? sofa.   What on earth was I thinking....we have 2 xxl dogs, 2 cats and 2 kids.  Do you think they will give a leather sofa the respect it deserves?  They darn well better or they'll be out on the curb quicker than they can say "oops."  And I told The DF, he has 3 weeks to git r done....they have to grow the cow to make our couch.  

Now, I've said it before...he's not a "honey do- er."  I can make him a fridge list, I can tape a list to the door he goes in and out of every day, I can write it on his hand, or tattoo it on his forehead.....he just doesn't have extra time to do "things."  But, "things" still need done.   So, last night,  I started unloading the living room and I am putting forth this public challenge.  This project was officially started on Sunday, April 17th.  I'll let you know when it is finished.  I'm pretty sure the day I unhook the TV will be the day he knows I mean business.