
Health Update

Father bless me for I have sinned.  It's been 7 weeks since my last confession.  Wait...what?  I'm not Catholic.  It's been 7 weeks since I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome.  Seems like a lifetime ago.  If you want to familiarize yourself with my drama, check it out HERE.  The reason I am bringing this up is because I went to see my cute, Lithuanian doctor last week for my very first check up since being released from the great hospital o' chambersburg. 

I knew I was doing pretty well.  Every day, I am getting a little better.  The "tingles" in my hands and feet seem to be coming and going.  My vision is improving, I still get tired pretty easily and I require a daily afternoon nap.  I'm not sure if that is due to the illness or the fact that I'm 40 now and maybe that's what 40 year olds do?  I have not found myself watching The Wheel at 7pm each night, but I guess that will come?  I do have some pain, which is new, but nothing I can't handle.  It comes mainly when I have overdone it.  It hurts like when you hit your funny bone?  Which isn't, why do they say that?  I guess maybe because people try to laugh it off so they don't swear like a drunken sailor when they whack it on something hard.

Anyway- I visited Dr G and he was pleased.  I can blink, swallow, smile, touch my nose with my eyes closed and balance pretty well on 1 foot.  Basically, I am not inebriated.   My reflexes in my legs are coming back, but a little slow in my arms.   My numbness comes and goes and seems to be positional, like when I sit or stand for long periods of time and he was ok with that.   Here is an interesting fact  for ya:  when I sit for long periods of time, my nose gets numb.  Weird, huh?  Makes you believe in reflexology a bit.   Like when my massage therapist touches parts of my feet and my hands itch.  That God, he sure knew what he was doing when he created the human body. 

Dr G, who is my new favorite person, told me that I am not to be doing any heavy lifting or strenuous work.   I asked him if moving laundry from the washer to the dryer was "strenuous"....because I might need a doctors note.  He didn't think so, but he did think that feeding calves on a dairy farm was a bit too strenuous for my brand new nerves.  I got a pass.   The punks weren't thrilled, but they'll do what they have to do.  They have been amazing through all this- working hard despite the chilly weather and rain we've been having, working tirelessly with only one day off each week.  God Bless 'em.  They'll thank me for it when they are older.  Or they'll quickly move out when they turn 18 and leave all those calves to me. 

Dr G did tell me that where I am 6 weeks post diagnosis is where many people are 6 MONTHS after their diagnosis., so I got that going for me.   I can't imagine what could've been.  He told me that when he saw me in the ER Sunday night, he was sure I would be on a ventilator the next day....the symptoms were coming on rapidly.   So, I had to mention my prayer warriors:  my facebook friends, my "real life" family and friends, people in churches all over , who don't know me at all, who continued to pray for me.  I was blessed by the God of the universe who provided  healing so quickly.   He is the ultimate physician and it is so humbling to know that he cares so much for all of us.  And, when you feel His peace and His know that things are gonna be just fine.