
Back to Reality

So, things are moving along here at Brechland Farms.  We got a taste of spring for a few days, the snow melted and the mud showed up.  Calves are showing up all over the place and inside the house....Mrs. The Farmer is on the mend.  I am getting better each day.   I still have numb hands and feet, but I'm up and moving around and have been out of the house twice.  The Dairy Farmer has made little remarks about me coming out and helping feed calves, but I pretend like I don't hear him or I remind him about "that time I almost died."  And so far, it's working.  Not that I am trying to get out of work, but just doing a little laundry and cleaning will cause me to be stiff/sore and very numb the next day.  Quite a reminder that, although I am feeling more normal, I still have a ways to go.

I hate for my illness to downplay our wonderful vacation in January, so I am going to backtrack a bit and blog about our family vacation.

We arrived in Breckenridge a few days after they had had a nice snowstorm.  I think maybe 4-5 feet arrived and we got to enjoy the benefits.  We had a few days of cold weather....but cold out there is much different than cold here in PA.  Mid week.....the sun came out and the wind stopped and we had gorgeous days!   Here are a few pics from out trip:

The whole fam skiing together on intermediate blues!  Blacks are in their future!
One tired punk!

The Dairy Farmer getting a little crazy!

This is how I find my punk up on the mountain.  Seemed like everyone had on a blue coat. 

Snow Beach at 10,000 feet - it was 40' and sunny and I forgot to pack sunscreen. 

I wasn't too happy with my pics this year.  I was using the kid's camera and was told to use the "snow" setting, but it washed out my pictures.  Thank goodness for my flip!  This is where I live....greens and blues....where it's safe. 

This is where the DF lives....on the edge....up high....above not me.   You can actually see some of the runs down below...that is where I hang out.