So, this morning, I wake up to the younger punk standing beside my bed holding a tray of food....indeed, breakfast in bed, again! I do have to say that I knew it was coming when I heard The Dairy Farmer and Jr. Edition discussing how to fry bacon. As a mom, it did make me a bit nervous to know that the child who has never used the stove was going to attempt to cook eggs and bacon all by himself. I had a visual of spending my birthday morn in the ER with a child who burnt his retinas with hot bacon grease. Luckily, the DF decided to hang in the house a bit before work and cook up said eggs and bacon and let Jr. make the toast. And it was dang good toast at that....about a pound of butter on each slice! A girl can get used to this!
Guess what else he did? Laid in bed with me while I ate and we watched I Love Lucy. I love Lucy, I really do. When Aidan was little...wait....I feel deja, I've said this before? Here's another interesting fact....did you know Lucy first studied acting at the John Murray Anderson-Robert Milton Dramatics School along with classmate, Bette Davis?
She left the school after 12 months because they told her she was not talented enough to be an actress. If I was Lucille know what I would've said? "HOW YOU LIKE ME NOW?" BOOYAH! She happens to be the first female to own and operate her own Hollywood studio....and that's saying something back in the 50's.
Back on track. So, the punks gave me their gifts this morning too. I got Black Heels to Tractor Wheels from my lovely, lovely daughter. If you are PDub know my excitement. And, my son....oh, my son. He is so good at getting me what he wants, that I just gave in this time and received Just Dance 2 for Wii. They'll be playing it all day.
The Dairy Farmer sang Happy Birthday to me loud and off key and told me that's my gift......and my enjoy it. I also logged on to facebook and had over 25 messages from my FB peeps and you know....dag nabbit, I got a little verklempt. amongst yourselves.....
If all goes according to My Big Birth Day plan....I will go see my neurologist and he will be in shock and awe of my amazing recovery. I will come home and take a nice nap and then meet my most favorite people at Aki for a nice hibachi dinner complete with the little man that pee's out the fire and plenty of yum yum sauce. Then, I will share some comfort food at my momma's house on Thursday, hopefully see my small groupies from church on Friday and.......oh mylanta....go visit my better than sliced bread niece this weekend. That's right....I said it.....we'll be fist pumpin' jersey shore style with my sis, bro in law and boo. We might invite Snooki...we'll see.
There you have it. My birthday is lookin' pretty darn good. I thought I'd be a little more worked up at the 40 thing, but, I don't feel 40. Maybe a little health scare puts a new perspective on things?
A perfect storm
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