
Egads! What is Happening Around Here?

I taught a class last night and when I went into the refrigerator to get my cold dinner, I saw this.   In MY refrigerator!  And, I'm guessing I don't need to remind you all that we own a dairy farm for Pete's sake!  My poor guy, it's finally happened, he cracked under pressure! The Dairy Famer has gone mad! <insert mad cow joke here>

I said "what in tar nation is THAT doing in there?"  It took me by surprise, because anytime a commercial for soy "milk" or almond "milk" comes on the TV, the dairy farmer has to yell..... "you can't milk an almond!" 

He then informed me that we were doing "market research."    And, it just so happens that I have a  blog.....a blog about farming......and, just like any other random blogger on the Internet (and trust.....I've been researching them today)....I can say whatever I want.   I can  say what I want, whether it's true or not, whether it's based on fact or fiction, whether I am educated in this area....or not.   Hell, I can even call myself  DOCTOR and state that milk is one of the most harmful liquids you can put in your body and call it a carcinogen.  And when you research me, you'll see that I "might" be a psychiatrist.  

   Or I can call myself PINUP girl and say that " all processed milk is pumped full of drugs, such as antibiotics and growth hormones."   And, guess what?   SOOOOOO many people will believe exactly what I say!  Isn't that crazy?  People actually think everything they read on the Internet is TRUE....all of it......totally TRUE and they go off spouting their mistruths to other people and those people believe it too!  

So, I have a fire lit under my butt today- and with some help from The Dairy Farmer, I'll give you a little information about what you may or may not be reading when it comes to milk.   Now, this is a VERY hot topic right now and you can choose to read on or you can choose to delete.....your call.   Just like choosing to drink raw milk, organic milk or even milk from a nut.  It's a personal choice, it's your call....that's why so many options are available. 

I do understand that some folks don't enjoy bloating, farting and massive diarrhea and therefore need a dairy substitute.  I also understand that some folks enjoy a vegan lifestyle.  But, please....EDUCATE yourself on why you are choosing not to partake of anything animal.  You may or may not have a valid reason for your choices.   That is why we live in America people....the land of the FREE.   Which includes your choice to eat a big ole juicy new york strip (which I will this evening) or you can eat your tofu veggie burger (which I agree...there are some good ones out there) 

Off we go: 

here is Webster's definition of milk:

a : a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of females for the nourishment of their young; especially : cow's milk used as a food by humans b : lactation <cows in milk>
: a liquid resembling milk in appearance: as a : the latex of a plant b : the juice of a coconut composed of liquid endosperm c : the contents of an unripe kernel of grain
So, based on Webster, it's not really "fair" to compare actual cow's milk (which comes from mammary glands of mammals) to the liquid that comes from a pulverized nut (which is mixed with water to make it look like milk)  but, we are and that is where a large misconception occurs.
Now, here is my half wit knowledge of almonds and their "milk."  Almonds really are one of the healthiest nuts you can eat.  But, I do know that they run a tad pricey.  So, if you actually figure out the amount of almonds in almond milk, you might find it on the low side.   So, you might be better off actually eating the almond itself than drinking it's "milk" that doesn't have nearly the nutritional value and contains a lot of additives and sweeteners. is where my market research comes in:    I had almond milk for breakfast today. 

Here is what I can tell you from MY experience:  It poured out of the container like a  very thick, sort of gray milkshake. I'm thinking to myself......yum!  I can't wait to put this in my mouth!    The smell wasn't all that bad, kind of.....sort of......well.......almondy.   I took a nice swig and hmmmmm.  How to describe it?  What to say?  Well, it would be like drinking milk that you poured down the front of a dusty chalkboard, allowing it to puddle in a large pile of dirt, then scooping it up and pouring it in a glass and THEN drinking it.   Yep, that's exactly what it tasted like.    And, guess what else?  The taste lingers! actually stays with you for quite some time's .....lovely.  Again, totally my opinion.  But, I sure do feel sorry for you lactose intolerant people. 

So, I researched a little on the world wide web of complete and utter (or should I say "udder") truths.  Now, most hits that came up were people's personal blogs....and most of them were anti cow's milk.  Shocking, I know.  Many of them were comparing the protein value, sugar content and fat content of cow's milk and their soy, almond, oat, hemp and whatever else they could get "milk" out of.....turnips, perhaps?  And they were SHOCKED.....SHOCKED I tell you- that cows milk was higher in protein, lactose and fat than their beloved "milk."    They wanted less of all these, here is why I love my Dairy Farmer so much:  he said.......wait for it.........wait for it.........


 Good Lord, I love him. 

Yes!  If you don't want protein, sugar and fat in your milk....than, for the love of nancy.....drink water and stop yer bitchin.

Ok, this has gone on long enough and I do want to address ms pinup's blog about cows milk being pumped full of drugs and hormones.  And, I will do it quickly, I promise.

1)  our milk has hormones in does every stinkin gallon in every single grocery store across the WORLD.  Because, my friend, milk comes from a living thing and ALL living things have hormones!  There are hormones in your brocolli and in your oranges.   Be educated.....what consumers are worried about is artifical hormones...which is another topic all together and one the Dairy Farmer feels very strongly about.  We'll tackle that another day.    

2)  our cows are treated with medications WHEN THEY NEED IT.  Don't you take your child to the doctor and get medication when they are ill?  When our cows are being treated, they are still milked (nursing mommas...remember what happens when your baby doesn't nuse for a few hours?  Hello!)  but, all that milk is kept out of our bulk tanks.   We test our tanks every day for antibiotics.  If it is positive....that tank of milk is dumped (and ...that ain't a pretty day on the farm)  Someone is in BIG trouble.....BIG......HUGE.

side bar from the DF:  it's been 4 or 5 years since we had to dump a tank of milk.

When the tanker, who picks up our milk and lots of other farms too, gets to the processing plant, the entire tanker is tested for antibiotics.  If it's positive....the entire tanker is dumped.   That ain't a pretty day either.  The driver has a sample from each farm he picked up and those are then tested to see who the contaminated milk came from.....and guess what?  You just bought yourself a tanker full of tainted milk and it just cost you about $8,000 to $9,000.   So, we are SO VERY careful when it comes to antibiotics in our milk.   Now, as the process continues, that milk is continually checked on farther down the lines in the production.    So, no......milk does NOT contain drugs such as antibiotics....pinup girl.

side note from the DF:  3.9 million tankers were sampled at the processing plants in 2009, only 1014 tankers were "hot" (and that is down 7% from the previous year) 

Well, I'm all hot and bothered now.  How about you?  Dairy Farming is a husband is not Joe Bob out in his field wearing overalls and sucking on a piece of hay.  He has a degree in Dairy Science, he attends numerous meetings, he reads ALL the time to further educate himself on this very unstable business.  He is a quiet man, he doesn't "defend" himself when we hear the bigger voices out there touting why milk is bad for you or how dairy farms are destroying our enviorment.  So, when I have a chance to defend him, I will.   I am Mrs. The Farmer and I am his voice. 

This post has been approved by The Dairy Famer...thank you.