
A tale of two cakes

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......I made a smart "beep" comment on facebook.  I know, it's very unlike me, but it's true. 

See, I am a CAKE WRECKS junkie.  I love a gal with a good, old fashioned, snarky sense of humor.  Her husband's pretty good too.  But, then again, how hard is it to mock the stupidity of some humans?  Anyway, my birthday was approaching and I saw this on her site:

And I said to myself.....oh yes.....I must have will be mine!  There is nothing better than a big ass cake to start your birthday off right.  And, the challenge was accepted by none other than my berry best friend.

Now, it is all in how you say it, or you could have a dilemma on your hands......and that is where the fun began.  See, I was thinking I wanted a "big ass" cake......but my "oh so tricky" bestie figured, why not a big "ass" cake.  And here is what she made for me:

How appropriate, right?  A big ole cow butt.....just for me.  So round, so moist, so delicious.  We ate that butt for days!

I must tell you a little bit of the back story behind these cakes.  See, I don't bake (or cook or whatever) and so when one of the punks birthdays roll around, it's our family tradition to schlep their little butts over to The Wal Mart and let them pick their cake out of one of those books covered in greasy finger prints over by the bakery.  It's how we roll.  Ok, it's how I roll.  

Now, my girlfriend, she's a baker and a cooker and  loves to do all that her lucky duck kids always have a homemade birthay cake in the shape of:   A PURSE,  A BASKETBALL,  MARIO.....WONDERTWIN POWERS- ACTIVATE!

So, we were celebrating one of her kids birthdays and as she brought out this cute as a button Hello Kitty cake, my son took one look at it, his eyes bulging out in amazement and said, "where did you get that cake?"  And, my her oh so sweet mom voice said,  "oh honey, SOME mom's actually make their cakes."  Good Lord, I love her.

Fast 40th was quickly approaching and I was perusing Cake Wrecks, as I do every day and I happened upon this:

Oh yes! Challenge ON, baby!  I want this cake....but I want it to say "Farmin' in the Ville,"  you know, cuz that's my blog and all.  As more people started to weigh in, they decided a nice lava cake would work know, as  the manure pit.   Like a good best friend should, she took on the challenge and last night after our dinner together, we all crowded around the back of her mni van to see what she had created:

Oh my stinkin heck!  It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!  I mean, look at the barn!  Look at the animals!  Look at the pretzel fence (which is broken just like ours!!!) and the manure pit, my kids can't wait to dig into that.

We brought this baby home and cut 'er wide open!  It was soooo good because it was handmade with love.