
A Trip Down Memory Lane

Things around here are in "maintenance" mode.  We are buckled down for winter- waiting for spring to show up.  It is coming soon, right?  Right?  RIGHT?  I apologize for my lack of posting, but basically, I am hibernating.  Just hanging around the house, working on healing my nerves and making a "to do" list 8 miles long.  Seems when you are stuck in your house, for weeks on end, you seem to notice those little things that have been there, but you never really saw.  Like, how badly my hardwood floors need refinished, how there is a wall in my front room that still hasn't been painted in over 2 years and the dry wall mud is still showing, how I have 2 large holes in my ceiling from where we upgraded some electric.....the Dairy Farmer is loving all this, because as soon as his manure coverered boot hits the back porch, I'm jumping down his throat with all these questions.  How much does it cost to sand floors, can I do it myself, why can't we have these holes in the ceiling fixed, please repair the toilet paper holder in the's about to fall off.  when can we, when can we, when can reality, I am trying very hard not to do this.   I do have all these things swirling madly inside my head, but I'm trying not to let them spew forth (at least until he has made me dinner and is seated comfortably on his loveseat)

Now, I love my DF very much....but there is one thing about him that holds true for the last 15 years.  He is no handy man, he isn't a "honey do" kinda guy.  He works very hard day in and day out and every blessed when he comes in the house, he is done.  Until his blasted cell phone rings and he has to go back out to the barn.  Having said all that,  this post is about my dog, Jack.   Don't you love riding on my train of thought?  It has lots of twists and turns and many times it's derailed completley.   

 It's just that I haven't been working for 2 months and since my blog is mainly about our life on a farm, I haven't felt compelled to share in the tedious, boring, day to day humdrum that is my "house" life.     I get up, do laundry, clean a little, take a nap, watch tv and go to bed.  Sometimes, I unload the dishwasher and clean dog poop off the front porch.  That's it....that's what you do when you "recover" apparently.   You gotta do  what you gotta do.  Sadly, I am looking forward to leaving the house on friday to have bloodwork done.  I're jealous.  Don't be hatin'.

Where was I?  Oh.....Jack.   As I was watching the punks at the bus stop this morning, I glanced over and saw my adorable mastiff,  Jack, making himself a little nest.  See, today is "clean sheet day" here at Brechland Farms......told you my life is boring.  And I am working on washing all our sheets.  My comforter is on the floor waiting to take a spin in Big Red (my washer machine) and Jack is a 180 pound opportunist.  He sees a blanket, a rug or even a sock and he runs over, makes a "nest", circle, circle, dig, dig, dig, circle, circle, lay down.    He's done it since the day we brought him home.  I have pictures to prove it.    The weird part is, I think he thinks he is a little dog.   I mean, seriously, he will lay down on a sock and be all happy and content that he's in his nest, like Big Bird.  It's cute and so sad at the same time.

So, without further's "puppy" Jack (as he was known in the early days)

Now, Mount Washmore was a little too high for him to lay on, so he settled for hanging at the bottom of the mountain.  And, maybe snacking on a punk's dirty shirt. 

Here's Jack when he was 2.....he has, indeed, learned to climb Mount Washmore.

And here's Jack today:  He is 5 now and is on the slippery slope of middle age.

And, for sh*** and giggles as the Dairy Farmer would say:  Here are a few more of my favorite pictures from yesteryear: boys....they are growing so quickly.  One is growing up and out and two are growing old and gray.