
Humane Society of the United States Revealed

The Dairy Farmer received this link from one of his daily dairy industry updates.  He feels it gives a pretty good perspective on the true identity of HSUS (Humane Society of the United States).  He feels this is very important for our industry to get the facts out about the differences between your local animal shelters or humane societies and these country wide extremist groups.  It's The DF''s opinion that the reason groups such as HSUS and PETA have so much support is largely due to the misconception that they are part of local animal shelters...


Look who's coming for dinner

I've blogged before about the Brechland Farms birthday tradition of naming a calf after our family and close friends if it's born on their birthday.  You can check it HERE.  Well, about two years ago, we had a cute little heifer born on my sister's birthday, which happens to be March case you want to send her a card.  Farm Boy, Jr Edition, who we sometimes...


Health Update

Father bless me for I have sinned.  It's been 7 weeks since my last confession.  Wait...what?  I'm not Catholic.  It's been 7 weeks since I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome.  Seems like a lifetime ago.  If you want to familiarize yourself with my drama, check it out HERE.  The reason I am bringing this up is because I went to see my cute, Lithuanian doctor last week for my very first check up since being released from the great hospital o' chambersburg.  I knew I was doing pretty well.  Every day, I am getting a little...


Give me some sugar....Brown Sugar

I married The Dairy Farmer in November of 1996.  I was a young veterinary technician with a twinkle in my eye and not much money in my pocket.  In 1998, I found out we were expecting our very first bundle of joy and after MUCH (and perhaps heated) discussion, I was convinced to quit my job and become a stay at home mom.  I milked that gig for about 10 years. ...


Super Sleuth

In case you hadn't heard, I had a birthday this week.  I decided that I'd like to have dinner at one of our favorite places in our small town.  On Tuesday night, we hopped in the pickem up truck and headed to town for the big birthday feast.  We were driving along, I'm yakking in the DF's ear and he's doing what he does best...ignoring me, when suddenly we zagged...


A tale of two cakes

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away......I made a smart "beep" comment on facebook.  I know, it's very unlike me, but it's true.  See, I am a CAKE WRECKS junkie.  I love a gal with a good, old fashioned, snarky sense of humor.  Her husband's pretty good too.  But, then again, how hard is it to mock the stupidity of some humans?  Anyway,...


A perfect storm

So, this morning, I wake up to the younger punk standing beside my bed holding a tray of food....indeed, breakfast in bed, again!  I do have to say that I knew it was coming when I heard The Dairy Farmer and Jr. Edition discussing how to fry bacon.  As a mom, it did make me a bit nervous to know that the child who has never used the stove was going to attempt to cook eggs and bacon all by himself.  I had a visual of spending my birthday morn in the ER with a child who burnt his retinas with hot bacon grease.    Luckily,  the DF decided to...


Queen for a day

The punks are on spring break this week, so last night at dinner, they played rock, paper, scissors to see who would have to get up and feed calves with their dad this morning.   Well,  Taryn won.  I guess, if you call waking up early and feeding calves in the rain on your week off school winning, then I guess she did.  Later on, after much discussion, they decided to trade.  This morning, at 7am (on my week off school) a certain someone started pounding me on the shoulder.  "Big Toast,  since I have to work tomorrow morning, on...


Egads! What is Happening Around Here?

I taught a class last night and when I went into the refrigerator to get my cold dinner, I saw this.   In MY refrigerator!  And, I'm guessing I don't need to remind you all that we own a dairy farm for Pete's sake!  My poor guy, it's finally happened, he cracked under pressure! The Dairy Famer has gone mad! <insert mad cow joke here> I said "what...


A Trip Down Memory Lane

Things around here are in "maintenance" mode.  We are buckled down for winter- waiting for spring to show up.  It is coming soon, right?  Right?  RIGHT?  I apologize for my lack of posting, but basically, I am hibernating.  Just hanging around the house, working on healing my nerves and making a "to do" list 8 miles long.  Seems when you are stuck...


Snow Much Fun

For the past couple years, we have missed Ice Fest in Chambersburg due to our winter vacations.  We miss going downtown and seeing the amazing ice sculptures, sipping hot chocolate and we always enjoyed the ballet at the Capitol.  This year was no exception.   We were SO excited when we found out that Breckenrige was hosting their annual snow sculpting competition...


Back to Reality

So, things are moving along here at Brechland Farms.  We got a taste of spring for a few days, the snow melted and the mud showed up.  Calves are showing up all over the place and inside the house....Mrs. The Farmer is on the mend.  I am getting better each day.   I still have numb hands and feet, but I'm up and moving around and have been out of the house...