
Real time on the farm

Since I received a clean bill of health this week, I am back on the payroll.  I am starting back feeding calves on the weekends to try and alleviate some stress on The Dairy Farmer.

It's the perfect time since we are in a lull.  We have about 30 calves on milk right now and we're all breathing a little easier- but look out June, July and August.  We have 25-30 cows due each month. 

The oldest punk asked me to take my camera along because, apparently, we have a gigantic bull that was born the other day.  He'll have a post all to himself....because I saw him and all I can say is .....wowza. 

I figured since today is the apocolypse and we're all going to die at 6pm tonight, I might as well take some pictures and share them with blogger world.

Here is what's happening round here:

This one helped me feed calves this morning.  She wasn't all that happy about it.  But, I said, "hey, if today IS the end of the world, we won't have to worry about feeding tomorrow."

We finally got some corn in the ground and they're peeking their little heads up looking for a glimpse of the sun.  Good luck, corn.  Good luck.

A brand new baby.....still wet.  I bet no one told her the world is ending today.  She's gonna be bummed.

Kid thought this was a nice we took a picture.  It's our old silos.   We keep air in there. 

Meeting of the brain trust.  Wondering what they're doing so intently?

Oh, having a math lesson.  Dividing didn't go well.  In fact, tears were involved.  I hate when The Dairy Farmer cries.   Don't worry, Jr Edition,  after 6pm won't need those stinkin' fractions.

We're gonna take this gorgeous day the Lord gave us and make hay while we can. If this is judgement day, it might not matter if we have hay or not, but just in case, we're gonna be prepared for winter.  Because, if the world doesn't end can be darn sure it's gonna rain tomorrow.