
A PSA for you...and you.....and you.....

We have lots of "stuff" going on around Brechland Farms today, but something has been weighing on my mind for a few days now.  

 Our farm is comprised of a couple different farms and one of our farms is located down the road a bit on Spring Rd. 

We own some ground there as well as a triangular patch of woods right along the road.  These woods have seen plenty of tragic accidents in their time, one of these  accidents occurred over the weekend.   I'm sure if you are a local, you know the one I am talking about.   Two, very young men lost their lives Saturday night and a young lady was seriously injured. 

I have heard bits and pieces...rumors continue to circulate....I don't know what is true and what is not.  I've heard they were driving too fast.  I've heard they were drinking.  I've heard they had children.  I don't know....... but,  what I do know is, these men are dead.  And, they aren't coming back.    This is what I drive by every day:

These boys were someone's children.  Someone's daddy.  Someone's uncle.  Someone's grandsons.  My heart aches when I see these signs.   One thing that every article mentions is that all 3 were ejected from the car and it's fairly evident that they were not wearing their seatbelts.

There was a time when I was young and felt like I would live forever.  I did not wear my seatbelt.  One of my friend's gave me a pretty good lecture about it once (she knows who she is...she was older and wiser because she was....a mom)  Once I had my kids, her lecture hit home....and I wear my selt belt all the time and so do my punks.    Accidents happen every day, some can be prevented and some can't.   So, take these 2 things with you today:

1)  Be ready never know when it's your time.  And since this is my blog, I can say what I want.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you're good to go.  No need to fear death....and when those who are left behind are 100% sure that you're heaven bound, it sure makes the rest of their time on this earth a tiny, tiny, tiny bit more bearable.

2) ALWAYS wear your seatbelt.  Why?  Because your life is precious and I care.

A friend just sent me appropriate: