
Hello......Guillain Barre Syndrome

here is your ass......I'm handing it to you.  Thanks for visiting my nervous system, but I do not have use for you anymore.  You are dismissed.  That's right....that's right.....we are sooooooo over.

I went to my 14 week post diagnosis neurologist appointment today.  He is pleased- in fact, so pleased that he was all, like "I wouldn't like to see you anymore."  <insert handsome Lithuanian accent here>  And I was, all, like..." I wouldn't like to see you anymore either."  <insert annoying south Central PA twang here> and he was, all, like "fine."  And I was, like, "fine."  And we ended our relationship right then and there.

He told me I am to set my own limitations.  Do what I feel comfortable with and NOT PUSH IT.  To remember, my nerves are still raw.  The Dairy Farmer attended this appointment with me, just to make sure that I was on the up and up with my clearance for farm work.  I think he thinks I lied last time.   Actually, he had ulterior motives in mind for this appointment.

The DF bought himself a season ski pass for Colorado this year.  He had big plans to head back out west at least one more time in February/March.  He had a ski pass in his right hand, a free plane ticket in his left and a free place to stay in his back pocket.....he was golden.  Then I up and got sick.  Like a good dairy farmer, he stayed home with his ailing wife and never once complained that he was enjoying PA winter instead of CO winter.

When he bought his ski pass, he took the $20.00 insurance option.  He bucks.  He's bought a pass many times and never took the insurance.  Well, I'll be dog gone if he can't get a refund due to MY illness.  So, his motive was to get Dr G's signature today.  Seems small, but God was working even then.

After my appointment, he took me to The Big Oak for lunch.....on me.  But, he bought whoopie pies.  Which lead to a full on discussion about why the Oak doesn't sell whoopie pies?  They should....they'd kill.

Ok, that's my story for today.  I think it's a good one.  I have to give props to Dr. G.  He was on the ball.  He is still in awe at my recovery.  I am not.  I know who is in charge of my life.  

And....since I have no pictures of my cute Lithuanian's one for ya:

We had a slight break in the weather for a few days last week.  It's been so drab and rainy around here over the past few months.  But, you gotta make hay while the sun shines.