

You down with OPP? know me!  Like to end my day with a little Naughty by Nature.  But, my OPP doesn't stand for what you think it OPP is for Other People's Punks......and they descended upon the farm last weekend.

My sister and her besties from high school came to The Burg for a girls weekend.  They've been doing this for as long as I can remember.  It used to be just the girls and then the girls all got boys and then the girls and the boys all got babies.  I think it's pretty special that, even though they are dispersed all over...they still make it a priority to get together with each other, because we all know what a girlfriend and a glass of wine can do for our mental health. 

Now, they just drag their little ankle biters with them.   One of those rug rats just happens to be Boo and I will never tell my better than sliced bread niece that she can't come visit us on the farm!  She needed a little bit of an "Aidy" fix and Aidy sure needed to be bossed around by a super cute toddler, so she came over Sunday morning.  I skipped church....that's right....I said it......I skipped church for Boo and it was worth every second. 

Boo didn't come alone.  She brought this little blond dude with her.  And this dude....well.....he had these on:

Be still my heart.  I remember the days when Jr Edition wore a pair of these EVERY BLESSED DAY....only his looked like red fire engines.  They sure were cute, but after awhile.....they sure did stink.  Rubber and nekkid toddler feet don't mix well.   I'm sure glad that little blondie had these on, cuz that's what a good farm boy should wear.  Not flip flops....which is what blondie's silly momma had on. I'm not naming names to protect the innocent, but she knows who she is.

Boo also brought another blond dude....and how he has blond hair, I don't know.  His momma sure don't.  He was very happy to stick his pudgy little punk hand in the fence and let the calves lick it.  Cheezit really liked him.  What I can say about this punk is....he's a trip.  So much like his mother.

Green sweatshirt kid brought his older sister.....who melts me with her gorgeous eyes.   She's checking out our new bull who was born that morning just for her.   We like to work it like that.....makes the city kids feel special.

 There was another little guy who came along and he was "ok" with the calf scene....what he really wanted was some horse action.  He stood by the fence with a bag of carrots, just hoping for a horse to get a whiff and come racing over.  But, the grass is just too green and they are feast or famine beasts.  They weren't giving up that grass for nuthin.'  So, homeboy decided he'd eat his own carrots....that'll teach 'em!  Little did he know that our mastiff's most favoritist snack in the whole wide for it......carrots.  

Look at her....acting all cool, like she owns the place.  I think I'll get her a pair of baby coveralls for Christmas.  Then, I'll put her skinny butt to work.  It's high time she start milking some cows.  Stay in touch with her country roots.  She's part rural AND  part urban.

I needed some vid for this one, but flip was not to be found......cutie in blue "mooed" the entire visit.  And he wasn't just saying "moo,"  it was a full body "moo."  He'd spread his little legs, stick his belly out, puff his chest out, throw his head back and yell "moo."  And I'm sure glad he did, because up until now, I wasn't sure what sound a cow made.

There's my Boo and my sister.  Taking a break and doing a little swinging.  I'm always thrilled to see her (which is most certainly NOT enough) but, I'm glad she brought her little toddler friends to see the farm.  It's important for kids to get a chance to hang on a farm....see where their milk comes from, get their hands messy, eat a little dirt.