
A rumbly in his tumbly

Farm boy, jr edition got the beloved phone call this evening.  It was The Dairy Farmer.  He was in need of some assistance as he was busy mowing the back 40. 

There is nothing Jr enjoys more than helping out his daddy with farm stuff, so he hurriedly packed The DF some dinner and something to drink, then ran outside and grabbed farm looking equipment type things, jumped on his 4 wheeler and was off to save the day.  As soon as his worried momma helped him cross the busy road in front of our house, that is.  

The Dairy Farmer told him he could stay on that side of the road and ride around for awhile.  He has been DYING to do this for weeks!  I figured he'd show up around dark, reeking to high heaven and covered head to toe in dust.

That lasted about 10 minutes.  His belly brought him home and he showed up on the porch begging for dinner.   A farm kid always knows when it's time for dinner.