
How quickly we forget......

My youngest is away.  ( I say that like I have tons of I'm Mrs. Duggar....I only have 2) let me rephrase that.  My other one is away.   Farm Boy Jr Edition is on a camping trip with his class.  See...there he is:

I think this is awesome.  His teacher, God bless her soul, packed up...what? Like 13 kids? and took them to her family's cabin in "I can't pronounce it," PA.  God bless her soul.   

They headed out yesterday  morning at 9am and we won't see that punk until 5:30pm on Tuesday.   Thank goodness other people give him these opportunities, because, I sure don't.   I'm an inside momma.  Camping is NOT my thing.   I have been cabining....and I like that.  And, I think I would enjoy RV ing......but anything involving a tent just ain't my style.  (And, to be honest, this trip involves a cabin)  But, it's still not my thing.

Anywho- last night was to be date night for The Dairy Farmer and I.....seeing as how we were down to one.  But, that one....well, she's not feeling well.  Allergies have kicked in full force- and that poor, puffy faced, red eyed girl is highly allergic to mold and mildew which basically encompasses all of Franklin County at the  moment due to the copious amounts of rain lately.   

Little did I know, that The DF had something up his sleeve....that sneaky pete.  I'll post that another does have bearing on my camping post. 

The sick one and I went up to my bedroom to watch a movie last night and as I passed by Jr Edition's room and saw that:
1) he had cleaned it up before he left......which made my heart happy...and
2) it was completely empty......which made my heart sad....and I was a little verklempt.

I walked into my bed room, where the sick one was all nestled in amongst my 1000 pillows and said with my best frowny face,  " I miss my boy."    The sick one turned her head, looked me in the eye and with her deadpan expression said, "what boy?"       Oh, how quickly we forget........

Now, I am sure she's gonna remember "what boy" when she gets home from school and has to take care of dogs, cats, horses, chickens and calves all by herself.   Oh yes, she will remember.