
Hell may have just froze over

Are ya'll feeling a chill? I think I am.  And I think it's because Hell hath justh frozth over.   Wanna know why?  Because I just looked out the window and saw this: 

Now, I know you are probably saying...well, Mrs. The Farmer.....that there is just a gate.  And to that, I say...yes, yes it is.  It's a very important gate.  It's an exciting gate....a gate that shall save me money and mental torment this spring.
See, I have this gate......because I have this:

This fuzzy little sucker....also know as the "jack beep,"  the "beep" hole and the bastard.....causes lots of trouble in the spring.   His eyes are bigger than his belly and if you are a local, you know how much rain we've been getting and you know that all of our yards look like hay fields.  I think we mow every day round these parts. 

Well, imagine my horse pasture- just brimming with lush, delicious, green grass.  And Fatty, Fatty Two by Four, seems to think it's feast or famine.  His wild days back in Jackson Hole, Wyoming taught him that.  So, he eats and eats and eats and eats......and then one day, he's standing in the barn because his poor feet hurt so bad he can hardly move.   It costs me a veterinary house call......which results in some pills, which have to be crushed up and mixed with applesauce.....which results in me trying to force feed him sauce flavored pills, that he doesn't like.  I have tried a muzzle to keep him from eating too much grass- lasted about 2 minutes.  I have tried keeping him inside- lasted about 2 minutes.  And I have been asking The Dairy Farmer for a gate to lock them in our "runway" (the path that leads from the barn to the field).  I've been asking for a gate for about 3 years now.  

Every year, I start writing notes, sending texts and dropping hints the size of A bombs to The DF for a gate.  I start this regimen in February....knowing that come April, I start to see a limping horse.....but, I've mentioned that we run on island time around here.  I know he's busy and has many more important things going on  (which is kinda why I  start asking in's a slow time.....but......ok....deep breath).    So, it happened today!  Doggone it, if I didn't look outside and see my new gates......

Beautiful, ain't they?  Well, these bad boys are going to save me a couple hundred dollars each spring.  So, color me happy.  Now.....there's still that issue of my hardwood floors........