
Is everyone ok?

Last night, our small corner of the world was hit with some fairly violent storms.  My kids were to have a spring show at school and just about the time we were showered, dressed and putting our pretty little feet out the front door- some storms were heading our way. We knew they were coming, The Dairy Farmer said so.  And, if he said so, then it's true.  Two...


That's a load of bull

There really isn't much to this story.   There was a cow.  The cow had a baby.  The baby was a bull.  The bull was big.  The end. I started back to work on the farm on Saturday morning.   The farm was a buzz with talk of  "the big bull."   The oldest punk came running down the hill telling me to grab my camera.  ...


A rumbly in his tumbly

Farm boy, jr edition got the beloved phone call this evening.  It was The Dairy Farmer.  He was in need of some assistance as he was busy mowing the back 40.  There is nothing Jr enjoys more than helping out his daddy with farm stuff, so he hurriedly packed The DF some dinner and something to drink, then ran outside and grabbed farm looking equipment type things, jumped on his 4 wheeler and was off to save the day.  As soon as his worried momma helped him cross the busy road in front of our house, that is.   The Dairy Farmer...


Real time on the farm

Since I received a clean bill of health this week, I am back on the payroll.  I am starting back feeding calves on the weekends to try and alleviate some stress on The Dairy Farmer. It's the perfect time since we are in a lull.  We have about 30 calves on milk right now and we're all breathing a little easier- but look out June, July and August.  We have 25-30...


Room mates

Ugh!  This weather......what are we gonna do?  We have had so much rain that it's running through our horse barn which houses our weaned calves. We are having a terrible time keeping the barn clean....and dry......and smelling 1/2 decent.    The Dairy Farmer decided one day this week to see how well our horses share.  He opened up the barn door and...


Hello......Guillain Barre Syndrome

here is your ass......I'm handing it to you.  Thanks for visiting my nervous system, but I do not have use for you anymore.  You are dismissed.  That's right....that's right.....we are sooooooo over. I went to my 14 week post diagnosis neurologist appointment today.  He is pleased- in fact, so pleased that he was all, like "I wouldn't like to see you anymore." ...


He's Back!

My boy is back in town.....I sure did miss him.  But, I'm so glad he had a blast.  I got to see a video of him and his classmates "wading" in the stream.  His version of wading is way different than mine.  In fact, his version involves going in head first.....and I am washing his soaking wet clothes right now. Now, my sweet, sweet boy is always thinking of...


How quickly we forget......

My youngest is away.  ( I say that like I have tons of I'm Mrs. Duggar....I only have 2) let me rephrase that.  My other one is away.   Farm Boy Jr Edition is on a camping trip with his class.  See...there he is: I think this is awesome.  His teacher, God bless her soul, packed up...what? Like 13 kids? and took them to...


A PSA for you...and you.....and you.....

We have lots of "stuff" going on around Brechland Farms today, but something has been weighing on my mind for a few days now.    Our farm is comprised of a couple different farms and one of our farms is located down the road a bit on Spring Rd.  We own some ground there as well as a triangular patch of woods right along the road.  These woods have...



You down with OPP? know me!  Like to end my day with a little Naughty by Nature.  But, my OPP doesn't stand for what you think it OPP is for Other People's Punks......and they descended upon the farm last weekend. My sister and her besties from high school came to The Burg for a girls weekend.  They've been doing this for as long as...


Happy Mother's Day

If you are a mom, a mother, a mommy or a is your day!  Happy Mother's Day  to you all.  Today started off smashing:  breakfast in bed from the oldest (a cold scrambled egg and 2 pieces of dry toast) and I couldn't have loved it more.  The Dairy Farmer went to the grocery store for me- which, as you mommas a glorious gift and in...