Is everyone ok?

Last night, our small corner of the world was hit with some fairly violent storms.  My kids were to have a spring show at school and just about the time we were showered, dressed and putting our pretty little feet out the front door- some storms were heading our way.

We knew they were coming, The Dairy Farmer said so.  And, if he said so, then it's true.  Two things my man knows like the back of his hand: weather and time.  You can ask him what time it is and with a quick glance at the sky, he can nail it within 5 minutes.  He has never been one to wear a watch, so he does come in handy. 

We opted to wait a few minutes, let the storm pass and make sure our power stayed on, then head to school.  Now, I don't worry too much about weather.  Thunder, lightening and rain- they don't bother me.  My kids weren't nervous as they plopped back down and turned on the Disney channel.  The dogs weren't nervous- one was sleeping and one was disemboweling a care bear.  The Dairy Farmer wasn't nervous, he was laying in bed watching re-runs.  

But, my mom, she was nervous and called to make sure we were hunkered down in our basement.  Actually, she wanted to make sure we were inside- luckily, Thursday is our day off, so we didn't have to worry about being out feeding calves when the storm hit.   I still wasn't nervous. 

Then 911 called me.  They wanted to be sure that I knew tornado watches were in effect and then they explained what I needed to do.   Ok, now, I'm nervous.  If 911 calls you, it must be bad.  But, my basement is pretty disgusting....being a 200 yr old farm house and all and for me to drag 2 kids and 2 xxl dogs down those rickety, cobweb infested steps....well.....I better see a twister touch down before that happens.  I mean....for the love of nancy......there's no tv down there. 

The DF walked outside and stood in the driveway for a few minutes checking the sky and <cue wizard of oz music> looking for flying monkeys.   The rest of us tuned in to the news and facebook, because if you ever want to know what's going down in your area, check your facebook.  It was a buzz with tales of hail the size of golf balls, tractor trailers turning over, folks taking cover in their basements and massive rivers running through their yards. 

Our town must have been hit pretty hard.....but those of us in Chambersburg adjacent made out fairly well.  The wind whipped and the rain blew.  We watched limbs break off our tree we watched our beloved swing set twist in half and smash to the ground and we <gasp> lost satellite signal, so we had snacks and played cards.   And was over.  

We waited on edge to make sure our power stayed on.  We've had a good bit of heat and humidity this week and The DF closed up the barn and turned all the fans on in an effort to keep the ladies comfortable.   If the power went off...the fans went off and that would leave over 650 cows to create their own sauna.  He needed to be on hand to get the generators up and running. 

The Lord blessed us in many ways:  we did not sustain much storm damage, our power stayed on the whole time and we were able to get all our hay in before the storm came.  Well, except for 3 acres behind our house.   As The Dairy Farmer went to take his shower that night, he saw out our bathroom window that he totally forgot to have them chop this little piece of ground.  Oops.

 We did have a swing set blow over on our horse fence but were able to lock the horses in before they decided to take a field trip and see if the grass really is greener on the other side.

The biggest blessing is that people are ok, we still have our families, our homes and our lives.....unlike many people in the Midwest particularly Joplin, who have had everything obliterated  right before their eyes.  We have folks who are still without power and we have lots of trees and power lines down......but in the grand scheme of things, we are all just fine.

We took a drive after the storms to check out our other farms and the surrounding areas.   The calm after the storm always results in the most gorgeous sunsets.  It's kind of like God's apology for scaring the crap out of us.


That's a load of bull

There really isn't much to this story.   There was a cow.  The cow had a baby.  The baby was a bull.  The bull was big.  The end.

I started back to work on the farm on Saturday morning.   The farm was a buzz with talk of  "the big bull."   The oldest punk came running down the hill telling me to grab my camera.   I was chatting with one of our employees and he even said "it is a big bull."  Well, I thought....this I've got to see.  

The Dairy Farmer was even heard saying he's pretty sure this is the biggest bull he's ever seen.  And he's been around awhile.   Of course, momma didn't do this all by herself, she needed some help.   They pulled this big guy and they said he just kept coming and coming and coming.   

 Usually, a bull weighs around 95-ish pounds when they're born.  Which....that itself makes me cross my legs and cringe a bit.

Homeboy probably weighed over 140 pounds.   We sold him on Thursday and The Dairy Farmer said he could hardly get him on the trailer.  I'm not sure who his momma is, but I can guess 2 things:  one:  she was not a first calf heifer and two:  she's the one in the barn who's walking a little funny.


A rumbly in his tumbly

Farm boy, jr edition got the beloved phone call this evening.  It was The Dairy Farmer.  He was in need of some assistance as he was busy mowing the back 40. 

There is nothing Jr enjoys more than helping out his daddy with farm stuff, so he hurriedly packed The DF some dinner and something to drink, then ran outside and grabbed farm looking equipment type things, jumped on his 4 wheeler and was off to save the day.  As soon as his worried momma helped him cross the busy road in front of our house, that is.  

The Dairy Farmer told him he could stay on that side of the road and ride around for awhile.  He has been DYING to do this for weeks!  I figured he'd show up around dark, reeking to high heaven and covered head to toe in dust.

That lasted about 10 minutes.  His belly brought him home and he showed up on the porch begging for dinner.   A farm kid always knows when it's time for dinner.

Real time on the farm

Since I received a clean bill of health this week, I am back on the payroll.  I am starting back feeding calves on the weekends to try and alleviate some stress on The Dairy Farmer.

It's the perfect time since we are in a lull.  We have about 30 calves on milk right now and we're all breathing a little easier- but look out June, July and August.  We have 25-30 cows due each month. 

The oldest punk asked me to take my camera along because, apparently, we have a gigantic bull that was born the other day.  He'll have a post all to himself....because I saw him and all I can say is .....wowza. 

I figured since today is the apocolypse and we're all going to die at 6pm tonight, I might as well take some pictures and share them with blogger world.

Here is what's happening round here:

This one helped me feed calves this morning.  She wasn't all that happy about it.  But, I said, "hey, if today IS the end of the world, we won't have to worry about feeding tomorrow."

We finally got some corn in the ground and they're peeking their little heads up looking for a glimpse of the sun.  Good luck, corn.  Good luck.

A brand new baby.....still wet.  I bet no one told her the world is ending today.  She's gonna be bummed.

Kid thought this was a nice we took a picture.  It's our old silos.   We keep air in there. 

Meeting of the brain trust.  Wondering what they're doing so intently?

Oh, having a math lesson.  Dividing didn't go well.  In fact, tears were involved.  I hate when The Dairy Farmer cries.   Don't worry, Jr Edition,  after 6pm won't need those stinkin' fractions.

We're gonna take this gorgeous day the Lord gave us and make hay while we can. If this is judgement day, it might not matter if we have hay or not, but just in case, we're gonna be prepared for winter.  Because, if the world doesn't end can be darn sure it's gonna rain tomorrow. 

Room mates

Ugh!  This weather......what are we gonna do?  We have had so much rain that it's running through our horse barn which houses our weaned calves. We are having a terrible time keeping the barn clean....and dry......and smelling 1/2 decent.   

The Dairy Farmer decided one day this week to see how well our horses share.  He opened up the barn door and let the sea of black and white pour out into the pasture.  Oh my...the little babies were happy.  Oh my, those other 4 legged eating machines were not. 

The horses are no strangers to calves, but they haven't had to share such close quarters.  They don't take too kindly to 40 calves trying to determine if any of them give milk.

Little turds.   This is a pasture full of ornery.  I always say calves are like toddlers.  They always have to have something in their mouth.   Which, the other day, included a big wad of Jackson's mane.


Hello......Guillain Barre Syndrome

here is your ass......I'm handing it to you.  Thanks for visiting my nervous system, but I do not have use for you anymore.  You are dismissed.  That's right....that's right.....we are sooooooo over.

I went to my 14 week post diagnosis neurologist appointment today.  He is pleased- in fact, so pleased that he was all, like "I wouldn't like to see you anymore."  <insert handsome Lithuanian accent here>  And I was, all, like..." I wouldn't like to see you anymore either."  <insert annoying south Central PA twang here> and he was, all, like "fine."  And I was, like, "fine."  And we ended our relationship right then and there.

He told me I am to set my own limitations.  Do what I feel comfortable with and NOT PUSH IT.  To remember, my nerves are still raw.  The Dairy Farmer attended this appointment with me, just to make sure that I was on the up and up with my clearance for farm work.  I think he thinks I lied last time.   Actually, he had ulterior motives in mind for this appointment.

The DF bought himself a season ski pass for Colorado this year.  He had big plans to head back out west at least one more time in February/March.  He had a ski pass in his right hand, a free plane ticket in his left and a free place to stay in his back pocket.....he was golden.  Then I up and got sick.  Like a good dairy farmer, he stayed home with his ailing wife and never once complained that he was enjoying PA winter instead of CO winter.

When he bought his ski pass, he took the $20.00 insurance option.  He bucks.  He's bought a pass many times and never took the insurance.  Well, I'll be dog gone if he can't get a refund due to MY illness.  So, his motive was to get Dr G's signature today.  Seems small, but God was working even then.

After my appointment, he took me to The Big Oak for lunch.....on me.  But, he bought whoopie pies.  Which lead to a full on discussion about why the Oak doesn't sell whoopie pies?  They should....they'd kill.

Ok, that's my story for today.  I think it's a good one.  I have to give props to Dr. G.  He was on the ball.  He is still in awe at my recovery.  I am not.  I know who is in charge of my life.  

And....since I have no pictures of my cute Lithuanian's one for ya:

We had a slight break in the weather for a few days last week.  It's been so drab and rainy around here over the past few months.  But, you gotta make hay while the sun shines.


He's Back!

My boy is back in town.....I sure did miss him.  But, I'm so glad he had a blast.  I got to see a video of him and his classmates "wading" in the stream.  His version of wading is way different than mine.  In fact, his version involves going in head first.....and I am washing his soaking wet clothes right now.

Now, my sweet, sweet boy is always thinking of others.....and he brought me a little something back:

Nothing says "I love you, momma" like a 27 inch gummy rattle snake:

This boy will always have my heart.

How quickly we forget......

My youngest is away.  ( I say that like I have tons of I'm Mrs. Duggar....I only have 2) let me rephrase that.  My other one is away.   Farm Boy Jr Edition is on a camping trip with his class.  See...there he is:

I think this is awesome.  His teacher, God bless her soul, packed up...what? Like 13 kids? and took them to her family's cabin in "I can't pronounce it," PA.  God bless her soul.   

They headed out yesterday  morning at 9am and we won't see that punk until 5:30pm on Tuesday.   Thank goodness other people give him these opportunities, because, I sure don't.   I'm an inside momma.  Camping is NOT my thing.   I have been cabining....and I like that.  And, I think I would enjoy RV ing......but anything involving a tent just ain't my style.  (And, to be honest, this trip involves a cabin)  But, it's still not my thing.

Anywho- last night was to be date night for The Dairy Farmer and I.....seeing as how we were down to one.  But, that one....well, she's not feeling well.  Allergies have kicked in full force- and that poor, puffy faced, red eyed girl is highly allergic to mold and mildew which basically encompasses all of Franklin County at the  moment due to the copious amounts of rain lately.   

Little did I know, that The DF had something up his sleeve....that sneaky pete.  I'll post that another does have bearing on my camping post. 

The sick one and I went up to my bedroom to watch a movie last night and as I passed by Jr Edition's room and saw that:
1) he had cleaned it up before he left......which made my heart happy...and
2) it was completely empty......which made my heart sad....and I was a little verklempt.

I walked into my bed room, where the sick one was all nestled in amongst my 1000 pillows and said with my best frowny face,  " I miss my boy."    The sick one turned her head, looked me in the eye and with her deadpan expression said, "what boy?"       Oh, how quickly we forget........

Now, I am sure she's gonna remember "what boy" when she gets home from school and has to take care of dogs, cats, horses, chickens and calves all by herself.   Oh yes, she will remember.

A PSA for you...and you.....and you.....

We have lots of "stuff" going on around Brechland Farms today, but something has been weighing on my mind for a few days now.  

 Our farm is comprised of a couple different farms and one of our farms is located down the road a bit on Spring Rd. 

We own some ground there as well as a triangular patch of woods right along the road.  These woods have seen plenty of tragic accidents in their time, one of these  accidents occurred over the weekend.   I'm sure if you are a local, you know the one I am talking about.   Two, very young men lost their lives Saturday night and a young lady was seriously injured. 

I have heard bits and pieces...rumors continue to circulate....I don't know what is true and what is not.  I've heard they were driving too fast.  I've heard they were drinking.  I've heard they had children.  I don't know....... but,  what I do know is, these men are dead.  And, they aren't coming back.    This is what I drive by every day:

These boys were someone's children.  Someone's daddy.  Someone's uncle.  Someone's grandsons.  My heart aches when I see these signs.   One thing that every article mentions is that all 3 were ejected from the car and it's fairly evident that they were not wearing their seatbelts.

There was a time when I was young and felt like I would live forever.  I did not wear my seatbelt.  One of my friend's gave me a pretty good lecture about it once (she knows who she is...she was older and wiser because she was....a mom)  Once I had my kids, her lecture hit home....and I wear my selt belt all the time and so do my punks.    Accidents happen every day, some can be prevented and some can't.   So, take these 2 things with you today:

1)  Be ready never know when it's your time.  And since this is my blog, I can say what I want.  If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior, you're good to go.  No need to fear death....and when those who are left behind are 100% sure that you're heaven bound, it sure makes the rest of their time on this earth a tiny, tiny, tiny bit more bearable.

2) ALWAYS wear your seatbelt.  Why?  Because your life is precious and I care.

A friend just sent me appropriate:



You down with OPP? know me!  Like to end my day with a little Naughty by Nature.  But, my OPP doesn't stand for what you think it OPP is for Other People's Punks......and they descended upon the farm last weekend.

My sister and her besties from high school came to The Burg for a girls weekend.  They've been doing this for as long as I can remember.  It used to be just the girls and then the girls all got boys and then the girls and the boys all got babies.  I think it's pretty special that, even though they are dispersed all over...they still make it a priority to get together with each other, because we all know what a girlfriend and a glass of wine can do for our mental health. 

Now, they just drag their little ankle biters with them.   One of those rug rats just happens to be Boo and I will never tell my better than sliced bread niece that she can't come visit us on the farm!  She needed a little bit of an "Aidy" fix and Aidy sure needed to be bossed around by a super cute toddler, so she came over Sunday morning.  I skipped church....that's right....I said it......I skipped church for Boo and it was worth every second. 

Boo didn't come alone.  She brought this little blond dude with her.  And this dude....well.....he had these on:

Be still my heart.  I remember the days when Jr Edition wore a pair of these EVERY BLESSED DAY....only his looked like red fire engines.  They sure were cute, but after awhile.....they sure did stink.  Rubber and nekkid toddler feet don't mix well.   I'm sure glad that little blondie had these on, cuz that's what a good farm boy should wear.  Not flip flops....which is what blondie's silly momma had on. I'm not naming names to protect the innocent, but she knows who she is.

Boo also brought another blond dude....and how he has blond hair, I don't know.  His momma sure don't.  He was very happy to stick his pudgy little punk hand in the fence and let the calves lick it.  Cheezit really liked him.  What I can say about this punk is....he's a trip.  So much like his mother.

Green sweatshirt kid brought his older sister.....who melts me with her gorgeous eyes.   She's checking out our new bull who was born that morning just for her.   We like to work it like that.....makes the city kids feel special.

 There was another little guy who came along and he was "ok" with the calf scene....what he really wanted was some horse action.  He stood by the fence with a bag of carrots, just hoping for a horse to get a whiff and come racing over.  But, the grass is just too green and they are feast or famine beasts.  They weren't giving up that grass for nuthin.'  So, homeboy decided he'd eat his own carrots....that'll teach 'em!  Little did he know that our mastiff's most favoritist snack in the whole wide for it......carrots.  

Look at her....acting all cool, like she owns the place.  I think I'll get her a pair of baby coveralls for Christmas.  Then, I'll put her skinny butt to work.  It's high time she start milking some cows.  Stay in touch with her country roots.  She's part rural AND  part urban.

I needed some vid for this one, but flip was not to be found......cutie in blue "mooed" the entire visit.  And he wasn't just saying "moo,"  it was a full body "moo."  He'd spread his little legs, stick his belly out, puff his chest out, throw his head back and yell "moo."  And I'm sure glad he did, because up until now, I wasn't sure what sound a cow made.

There's my Boo and my sister.  Taking a break and doing a little swinging.  I'm always thrilled to see her (which is most certainly NOT enough) but, I'm glad she brought her little toddler friends to see the farm.  It's important for kids to get a chance to hang on a farm....see where their milk comes from, get their hands messy, eat a little dirt.

Happy Mother's Day

If you are a mom, a mother, a mommy or a is your day!  Happy Mother's Day  to you all.  Today started off smashing:  breakfast in bed from the oldest (a cold scrambled egg and 2 pieces of dry toast) and I couldn't have loved it more.  The Dairy Farmer went to the grocery store for me- which, as you mommas a glorious gift and in real time on the farm, the punks are cleaning out the garage and I am exempt.  I've got it made.

Farm Boy, Jr. Edition has been up in his room "creating" all morning.  When he asks if he can keep his bedroom door shut, I know it means business.  You see, Jr. Edition is a lego junkie. He can spend hours building...whether it's based on the instructions in the box or creations from his own mind and today......he was building something.....just for me.

Yesterday, we turned on the Kentucky Derby.  We aren't big horse racing fans, but farm work was done and we have officially seen every episode of iCarly or the Suite Life at least twice, so I made them watch the derby.  I am pretty sure we would have made some wagers and won big time if Uncle Moe wouldn't have been scratched the day before.     I am never impressed by their lineage, bloodlines or race history....I bet solely on their color or their name and it just so happens that my brother in law is.....indeed......Uncle Moe.  

We watched them parade to the post and we picked out our "winners."  Taryn chose Animal Kingdom because he was pretty (ah, proud mommy moment),  Aidan went with Pants on the's not right....Pants of Fire.   The Dairy Farmer decided he liked the look of Nehro and I had to go with  Mucho Macho Man because I could sing a little Village People.

Well....sadly, we didn't do any wagering and it's too daggone bad, because......if you watched the derby yesterday, you'd have seen that we came in 1....2.....3.   Damn.  Easy chair betting is just sooooo darn easy!  And, the jockey who rode Animal Kingdom was to ride Uncle, I like to think that I missed being a millionaire yesterday by .......this much.

Anywho- in honor of the race, I received this as my Mother's Day gift:  a miniaturized version of a full scale replica of a lego model of the Kentucky Derby. 


It just doesn't get any better than this.