
My Savior Lives!

Happy Easter Everyone!  What a glorious day here on the farm, for we know that our Savior lives!  We attended church service on Sat night (which seemed strange) but as with all holidays, we all have to work.  Our pastor shared a very meaningful message about Jesus and Heaven...and I am always in awe that Jesus Christ was tortured and hung on a cross.....just for...



Well, it's Thursday, April 21st and my living room looks surprisingly like it did on April 17th. Shocking, I know.  Just thought I should tell you.  I did ask about the floors and  a "maybe this weekend" was heard.  Key word in that sentence "maybe."  In almost 15 years of marriage, I have learned that "maybe" means "not on your life, so don't hold your...


That's It! We're outta here!

We've had enough of this farm life and we're packing our bags and hitting the road, Jack.   That's right, The Dairy Farmer is ready to live the good life in the city.  He's trading in his muck boots for a 3 piece suit.  He's trading in his pickem up truck for a Benz.  He's going to try his hand at lawyer-ing, or broker-ing or president-ing....or some sort...


Come to my window

Crawl inside and wait by the light of the moon......if you live in the greater Chambersburg area, you know that we have some serious dark, damp, deep depression going on here.  It is spring and with spring comes rain....it just seems that we are seeing our fair share.  Now, as the better half of a farm couple, I try not to complain when we have rain.  There will...


Have I gone mad?

The other day I posted about my birth defect.....sadly, I was born without a cooking gene.  The Dairy Farmer is well aware of this situation and he still loves me.  We decided early on in our courtship that if either one of us planned on living, he was going to have to do some cooking....and I was happy to clean up.  Now, you might think I am getting the...



It's pretty widely known among my close circle of friends and family that I don't cook.  I think I was born without a "cooking" gene, but, I can wash dishes like no one's business.  I will dust the house, do laundry till I turn blue, I will iron and wash floors on my hands and knees.  But, I don't cook.  Now, don't get that statement confused with I don't know...


Big Red

I have a nemesis.  It is called Mount Washmore and I climb it over and over and over again.  The laundry around this joint just never ends. I know many of you are saying "honey, you're preaching to the choir."  And I hear ya.  It seems that where there are kids.....there is laundry.  It seems that where there is a farm......there is laundry.  I'm like...


We're going to party like it's 1299!

HEAR YE! HEAR YE! On the eve of the thirty-first day of March in the year of our Lord, two thousand eleven, the Farm of Brechbill welcomed a most precious addition.  The honour of thy presence is hereby requested at the naming ceremony of the first born babe of Lady Brown Sugar and Lord Random Bull.   The ceremony will be officiated by Princess Taryn of...


Houston, We have a problem......

There is an old TV show from the 50's called To Tell the Truth.  I recall having seen it once or twice (and no, not in the 50's).  Basically, a panel of 4 celebs would question three contestants (one is the real deal and the other two are imposters) and try to figure out which one is telling the truth.  Once the votes are cast, the host says "would the real .........



I went on a walkabout today.  Remember Crocodile Dundee?   The movie from 1986?  The movie I saw IN THE THEATER no less than 5 times?  Why?  I don't know.   I liked Paul Hogan, I guess.  Why?  I don't know.  Whatever happened to him anyway?  Is he still alive?   Anyway, he talks about going on a walkabout. ...


Is This Normal?

I have a niece.  Her name is Boo and she is the best thing since sliced bread.  She's 16 months old and I'd bet a week's pay that she's the cutest daggum toddler east of the Mississippi.  There is one problem.  She does not live next door to me.  In fact, she doesn't even live close by.  She's a Jersey girl.  I know, it could be worse, she...


A spoonful of Sugar

Aren't you lucky?  You are the very first to know.......I am sitting here working on business "stuff" and an email came through from The Dairy Farmer.   He went in to the maternity pen this morning and guess what he found? That's right......a little Sugar arrived and that ain't no April Fool's joke.  And, we're so happy, cuz she's a she and she's a red!  We...