I had a terrible dream last night. A terrible, work related dream. I know you LOVE when people share their dreams......and since it's my job to entertain you with all things farm related.....I just HAVE to relay my crazy dream. Maybe it will reveal something deep rooted about my fragile psyche?
In a nutshell- our farm burned down.
I had to move all our calves.
I moved them all to Municipal Park......they surrounded the entire pool.
I had to bottle feed every single one of them (there are more than 60 right now) by myself....in the summer.....during prime pool hours.
I had to feed them all....using one bottle. See, all the others burned up in the fire.
I had to feed them milk replacer. See, the pasteurizer burned up in the fire.
I had to mix it 5 gallons at a time in an old dry wall bucket. See, all my barrels burned up in the fire.
You all were there, you all were swimming and laughing and pointing and laughing.
I cried.
And when I woke up this morning, my right arm ached because I had to mix all that milk replacer by hand, with a whisk.
I realized it was just a dream, a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad dream.
I cried (from happiness this time)
And then I had to go help the Dairy Farmer feed calves in the maternity pen......yup, we are back to square one. Overflow at Brechland Farms......all out of room. We have 13 in that pen and it's a nightmare.
And...again.....I cried.
I think I need a vacation
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