
bow chicka wow wow.......

The Dairy Farmer came home a tad frustrated yesterday.  He has been noticing that the fellow on the top floor of an apartment  near us seems to have a very large television, located near a very large window.   Now, I know the DF has TV envy, but that's not the sole reason for his annoyance.  Seems this fella watches a good bit of porn.....on his big TV.....on a Saturday morning,...which apparently can be seen quite clearly from the road. 

Now,  a wife might ask.....how on earth can you tell it's porn when you are SUPPOSED to be watching the road while you drive?  Hmmm?????   Well, so happens this happy camper lives right at a stop sign.  So, when you are stopping and looking both ways, you get an eye full.   I've been wondering why the traffic around here has slowed to a crawl!

So, public service announcement....if you live near us, please shield your children (and husbands) eyes when you come to the 4 way stop. 

God love the DF....he wanted to know if it was illegal.  Illegal to watch porn from the comfort of your own home?  I really don't think so....this is still America last time I checked.  If they take away your dirty movies, what's next?????