
Can we dig it? Yes, we can!

There is something exciting happening on our farm!  And, if you are anything like my boys, you'll be happy to hear that we have big machines working around here!   The Dairy Farmer FINALLY decided that we need to relocate our calves, not because they witnessed a serious crime or anything.  We aren't putting them in the witness protection program....we're just moving their houses to a different area of the farm.   

You see,  they live on the highest place on our farm.....way up on a hill.......and there is really no protection on that hill.   It's like   OOOOOklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet when the wind comes right behind the rain......wait,what?  I don't live in Oklahoma......Peeeeensylvania, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain......

 So, if you look way off in the distance behind all their little houses....what do you see?  Nuthin?  That's right.....nuthin is there to stop that wind.  In the summer, it's nice, but when it's cold as an Eskimo's butt, they need some protection. 

So a few days ago.....Scoop, Muck and Rolly showed up at our farm and started moving some big piles of dirt around!   Bob the Builder shout out....get it?  Anyone?  My, that takes me back....
Anywho....you're here to see pictures of big stuff.......so here you go:

I think it might be sad that I am so joyful at the thought of 1) having all the calves in one central location and B) that we will all be sheltered from the wind.   This pad is down in a hollow and the wind should just blow right over top of us.  Now, what I am not joyful about is moving day.  I am really not sure how we go about moving 60 calves.  But,  I do know that I am pretty sure I will be sick that day. Yup, I feel a fever coming on right now.

Stay tuned for more pictures as this process unfolds.  Right now, I must go grab my honeylamb and sit alone and talk and watch a hawk make lazy circles in the sky.