
He got it from his daddy

Real time on the farm:  here is a keyhole view into what is going on at my house as we speak.  My sweet little boy, "technically" got a 4 wheeler for Christmas.  He got his gift about a month ago so he'd actually have time to use it while it was still nice outside.

Today, when I woke up, he was no where to be found, but I did hear the steady buzz of his little machine running up and down the driveway.  I ain't gonna lie....watching him race around does make my heart skip a beat or two or three.  But, the Dairy Farmer did have a talk with him about safety and he does wear a helmet.  The DF also assures me it has some kind of chip or some such thingamabob that doesn't allow it to go above a certain speed.  Still, he's a boy and he's the Dairy Farmer's boy and the Dairy Farmer as a boy was pretty darn reckless.  I know....I was there on the back of his 3 wheeler holding on for dear life. 

Here is what I saw out my window:

I am actually surprised that it took him this long to fashion a trailer.

Props to Little Tykes.....their stuff is made to last.   My little girl got that wagon when she turned 2  about 100 years ago.

He used bailor twine and hooked that wagon up.  He is running up and down the hill bringing calf buckets to be washed, then running them back up to the hutches and filling them with grain and water. 

This was all his idea.  Homeboy has a Walmart gift card burning a hole in his pocket and he gave up shopping today so he could work on the farm.  God Bless a punk with a good, strong work ethic. 

I am almost 100% sure that when The Dairy Farmer saw him, he had a proud daddy moment and thought, "yep, that's ma boy."