
Meet The Fockers

So, remember way back when....or,, I was telling you about my new interrogation tactics?  Well, I took a video of it.   Now, it was WAY better today, because I had the Dairy Farmer helping me and not the punks.  But, even last night, he went in the pen and ran out screaming, "this is too much, even for me!" 

This is the the maternity pen, which normally has 1-3 calves at time.  It's like a holding area....they normally aren't in here very long.  We prefer to move them into a hutch as soon as possible.  We like to keep them seperate from each other, since they are just like toddlers...always sporting a runny nose and zipping about licking everything and putting stuff in their mouths that just doesn't belong in there.  That is a great way to spread disease, so we think they do better in their own bedroom.   

 The exception to the rule are bull calves.  They hang here for a few days until they go to auction.  We send them on Mondays and Thursdays.   If you are a lover of veal piccata, veal paremsan or veal're welcome.   I, myself, choose not to eat babies of any sort.    It has nothing to do with veal farming itself.....totally a personal choice (and a mental one at that).  I do not like it in a box, I do not like it with a fox. train derailed.....back on track.  We are out of room and all these Little Fockers are in one pen.  Cute as a stinkin' button, they are.  But, they are wicked mean when they are hungry!   As you can tell in the next video, The Dairy Farmer is trying to feed ONE calf and 3 or 4 are giving him a hard time.  And those stinkers just ate almost a gallon of milk each!   Watch how they start rooting and butting's all an instinct, but good heavens, it hurts.   The DF is crying really....that's why he's keeping his head down.   Gotta keep up his tuff guy rep.    It's ok Dairy Farmer.....the truck is on it's way to take the bulls,  we'll be down 5 for this afternoon's feeding.