
A Farm Funny

Since some of us folks around here are products of divorce, our Christmas can go on for quite a few days.  Which is a good thing.  Thankfully, our families understand that our work has to come first and we try to get together as soon as we can, but it won't always be on Christmas Day.  Thankfully, our families aren't the kind that say "We HAVE to see the glorious faces of our grandchildren, bright and early on Christmas Morn as they open each and every one of their presents."  They don't say that.....and we are grateful......and by the way....that's what SKYPE is for. 

So, some of our extended family was visiting on Monday and we had talked about having them come out to the farm.  We talked about this a few weeks ago, probably around Thanksgiving.  Probably around the time it was fairly nice out.  Before the temperatures dropped and the wind began to blow.  Needless to say, the temperatures did drop and the wind did blow and on Monday, it was a pretty craptastic day.  But, they wanted to come see what all the glory of dairy farming is all about.   And, I'll tell you what it's's about doing your work come hell or high water, come rain or come shine, come holiday or no holiday.  I'm not trying to get you to feel sorry for me.  Well, yeah, I kinda am <cue the violin music>.

They bundled up as best they could.....for they are from the city.  My kids laugh when people don't have "turtles" or "carhartts" or "mucks."   Seriously, when it's blowing around want to have at least 3-4 layers on.  You wanna look like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story.   Because, it's cold, man....and we still have work that needs to be done, whether you're frozen or not. 

Here's the chuckle:   one of our employees was helping me get the milk/bottles ready for calf feeding when he saw the caravan pull into the driveway.  He said, "looks like you have visitors."   I said yeah....we have family in and they want to see what farming is all about.  He said, " ah, it's always fun..... on the first day." 

And, he's right.  Anything is fun........once.  

 You, know....they stuck it out, they weathered the storm and followed us on our "rounds"....milking, feeding and cleaning.  What troopers!    I do think I heard someone say their face was frozen off, but...just  like happens