A few years back, The Dairy Farmer and I and our besties decided to do a small groupish thing and read the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. If you haven't read this book, I do recommend it, even if you're experiencing calm waters and peaceful seas in your marriage. Sometimes a little storm does come along and rock your boat, and it's always good to have some Love Language in your back pocket.
If you aren't familiar with the 5 love languages, here they are, in no particular order:
Words of Affirmation
Quality Time
Receiving Gifts
Acts of Service
Physical Touch
So, basically, you read the book, take a little quiz (which is just as easy as the fun little quizzes we used to take in our Seventeen Magazines when we were, like, seventeen or when we were, like 39 and tried to take the Cosmo quiz, like, last weekend with your BBF and for the love of Pete, could not get through it because you have no idea what the words even mean anymore!) Seriously, "what celebs moves are you most likely to crib?" WTH? I thought "crib" meant your house, your dwelling, your pad? Whatev......
Anyway- take the little quiz and it will tell you what your love language is, what gets your motor running, what floats your boat, what toasts your bagel. Now, when your sig other knows what your language is, he/she/it can kinda make deposits in the love bank by doing things that work for you. Gentlemen, if your lady's language is acts of service.....unload the dishwasher, do a load of laundry, make the bed WITHOUT being asked.......and trust......it will be worth your while.
What I'm getting at with this post is that when we did it, no big surprise, I am Acts of Service (kinda think most women are) and the DF...well, he through me for a loop. I was sure he'd be Physical Touch, I mean, he is a dude. But, he really is Words of Affirmation. Which is kinda sad for him....cuz I'm his wife and really, I'm a bit snarky. Needless to say, this blog and my facebook are all shout outs to my big daddy, because he is most awesome....and he never reads them because he doesn't "blog" or "facebook." How's that working out for him....well, yeah, not so much. Chalk that up to a New Years Resolution for 2011.
Now, here is the meat of my post: The Dairy Farmer knows I am acts of service and he is very good with that (grocery shopping, dishes, cooking) but, the thing that he does that really flips my lid, schnizzles my nizzle, rocks my world......is when he puts my barn boots by the radiator so they are nice and warm when I get dressed to go outside.
Love Languages
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