
The Circle of Life

Christmas came and went here at Brechland Farms (well....we are still "Christmas-ing" with the family- number 4 today with my mom, sister, bro-in-law and the cutest daggum toddler in the whole universe). 

But, on a farm.....the world keeps on  spinning.   Thank you to all who offered up a Peace Prayer for things to go well on Christmas day.  It did...and we were thankful.   We did have a first calf heifer who had some trouble delivering and The Dairy Farmer had to step in.  Sadly, we lost the calf......but that happens and the world keeps on spinning.  I knew not to take any pics or vids, we knew the calf was gone and that is just no fun for anyone to see, but.....look at her support group.  All the girls line the fence and talk in this real low hushed, sort of, rumble.  They knew what was happening and they came to tell her, it's all gonna be ok.  You're in good hands.....or good hands are in you......BA DUM CHA......sorry, had to be done. 

We have a pile of lovely ladies just hanging out ready to drop a calf any minute.  We're expecting about 1-2 a day around here and we are all keeping busy.  Because the world keeps on spinning. 

Hey you dang woodchucks......quit chucking my wood! 

Do you remember this little punkin head?  One of my first posts on Facebook.  Little 2829, the first calf I ever fed.   This was taken February 2009 on my first day of "work" as a Brechland Farms employee.  She was a preemie....couple days early and so stinkin cute. 

And here she is today.  Getting ready to have her very first calf.  Because the world, well, it just keeps spinning. 
 It's the Circle of Life...........oh dear, I feel a song coming on......

It's the Circle of Life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and love
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the Circle
The Circle of Life.......sing it Elton