
A Sunday Shout Out

To the hardest workin' punks on the planet!  They were nestled all snug in their beds, when their big ole mean momma came in and woke their scrawny butts up at 5:45am.  She made them put on 15 layers of clothes and go outside in the dark, in the cold, in the rain and help her do her work.   You see, we are at maximum calf capacity around here (yes, again!)  Every hutch is full and they are rooming together in the the maternity barn.  Which means, we have 11 calves all in in pen.   It is most certainly NOT a one person work.   

So, I made the punks get up and help me.   I really think our government is missing out on something here.  Forget water boarding, sleep deprivation or the excessive use of Eminem's music, in my opinion, the harshest form of punishment for those hardened war criminals would be to stick them in a pen of hungry calves.  It's torture at it's finest.  I ain't kiddin, folks.  And, if they were really in a heap of trouble, or you wanted to get some info out of them STAT....stick them in that pen naked!