My Dairy Farmer is one hard workin' dude. He works long hours in the heat, the cold and the dead of night (much like your postman) to bring you the delicious dairy products you have grown accustomed to. Feel free to thank him for preventing your osteoporosis.
Seriously, he works every single day of the year....that's 365 days the last time I checked. He is always on call. His cell phone rings ALL the blasted time. It's a blessing......allowing us to actually leave our farm on occasion.......and it's a curse......they can always find us!
Even though it is a hard, thankless job, even though the economy sucks, even though the milk price fluctuates constantly, even though we had a major drought last summer, my Dairy Farmer holds it all together.
He may have a massive ulcer on the inside, but he usually "grins and bears" it. He takes very few days off work. We do have the luxury of family vacations, but again......his dang cell phone rings all the time....even at 3am. And when Mrs. The Farmer is on vacation....that is NOT what she wants to hear.
I've talked about his "worry" lines before....very large creases on his sweet little forehead. That's what this business will do to ya. But, a few times a year, those lines disappear. In the summer, when he is running his boat on the lake- he's like a dog with his head hanging out the car window- pure joy. And in the winter, when he is skiing in Colorado. Even the punks noticed how different he looks when he's doing what he loves.
We are heading out west in a few short days and as much as a love not having to feed calves for a full week, I am not much of an "outside" wife. I prefer to stay inside- you know, where it's warm. Where it's cozy. Where the wind don't blow. And it still boggles my mind that the Dairy Farmer, who HATES winter in Pennsylvania when it's cold and blustery can LOVE winter in Colorado where the wind chill is minus 40.
So, we're packing the punks and snagging a grandparent or two and hauling our butts outta here. We are all outfitted with new skis and new boots for the kids, we've got gloves and goggles and helmets, oh my.
The point of this (and trust....I always have one) is that after our dry run at Whitetail last night, I realized 2 things:
1) skiing in PA, a lot and
B) I am excited
So, lookout we G-O!
We are in TRUB-BLE!
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