
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood....

On Monday, we started moving some dirt to make a new "calf pad".....sounds so....seventies.....so retro......so Austin Powers.  It's shagadelic, baby.     But, it's really just a level piece of ground where we can relocate our calves to try and offer them better protection from that blasted wind.  The wind around here really blows, man. 

 By Friday, our calves were moved in.  It was a joyful surprise when I went out to feed that afternoon and realized that my babies weren't where they were supposed to be.  They moved....and I was even more elated that not one person came around pestering me to help. 

Here they all are, well, most of them anyway.  All lined up in a beautiful straight row.  I love straight, I love rows.  Us anal retentive people like our order! 

There are 45 calves in this row......and a couple empty hutches.  I'm sure once the ladies get wind that we have room at the inn, they'll start pushing em out....shoving em out.....way out!  Anyone know where that saying came from? 

So, remember how I was telling you how this would offer some wind relief?  Here are the few last weaned ones left up on that hill.  Being down in the hollow makes a HUGE difference. 

They will be moving in a few days, so no need to stress them twice.   But they look down at me and cry...."we can totally see you.  We see you and we see that big barrel of milk, c'mon back up here and bring that truck with you! "

Of course we have these turkeys left.  Larry, Moe, Curly and that other dark haired one.  What was his name?

They live in the hayshed with 8 others.  We ran out of room around Thanksgiving and had to group house some. 

See the 2 with the white blazes on their heads?  Those are the twins that were born on separate days.  The one of the right was born on a Saturday and the one of the left was born on a Wednesday.    That's just weird.