Happy blogiversary to Farmin' in the Ville! It's been one year since I decided to overwhelm you with my mad writing skillz and useless farm knowledge....aren't you so lucky? People from far and wide (or maybe...like...two friends) kept saying I needed to "blog." What the heck for, I thought? My life is so dull and boring, what on earth would compel people to read about cows and manure?
Well.....I thought it over and ...heck....there are blogs out there about much more mundane things, so why not? And one year ago, this very day....I wrote this: MY VERY FIRST POST.
Wow....I read back over this blog and think, by golly, I AM entertaining.....NOT! I am pretty sure The Dairy Farmer (who I KNOW reads our blog) sits and shakes his head.
We have a small following....maybe tens of people read this. We do have 230 friends on Brechland Farms facebook, so that's cool and I do see that Farmin' in the Ville gets about 200 or so views when I post. The whole goal was to share our farming life and spread some knowledge. When you figure that less than 1% of our population still farms....and the food you eat comes from those farms......well, many of you are pretty removed from your food source.
What you probably weren't expecting was to be privy to all the "other" stuff too.....you were there through my major illness, our loss, ,my HSUS rantings and of course the almond milk debacle. But, you've all hung in there and kept on reading....and hey....some of you even told your friends!
In honor of our one year anniversary- I have 2 special things planned. One.....I am going to giveaway some blog candy. I do this on my stampin' blog, but it's a little tricky to have a giveaway for the farm, because we only have milk and butter and they are hard to ship.
But, I have an idea rolling around in my head....so leave us a comment (either on the blog or on facebook) and I'll put you in a drawing for something real special! I promise...it's worth it!
Two.....I've asked a guest blogger to join me today to celebrate. You all know him.......you all love him.....it's none other than......<drum roll please>..........The Dairy Farmer!!!!!
me: Welcome Dairy Farmer.....thanks for joining my blog chat.
The DF: kay
me: we've been blogging about our farm for a year now. What is it you'd like to say to all our farm following friends out there?
The DF: Drink your milk.
me: anything else?
The DF: nope
There you have it folks...let's give The Dairy Farmer a round of applause! Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little bit of you with us.
Oh wait.....you have something else to say? Please....go right ahead...this is your blog as well as mine.
The DF: I'm glad you amuse yourself.
Happy Blogiversary!
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