
Special visitors......part 2

So, I told you about mantis visiting our farm....that was pretty cool.  I mean, he is one of the Furious Five and all, but he didn't whip out any mad kung fu moves (that I saw anyway).

The people that found was none other than Boo, my better than sliced bread niece and Boo's momma. 

Boo is off school for a few weeks and after the punks and I went "up" to visit, Boo and Boo's momma were coming "down" to visit a few days later.   Just so happened that a big ole hurricane named C'mon Irene was barrelling up the east coast, heading right toward Boo and Boo's new house!  Even though they had plans to visit, they came early.  And none of us complained. 

They packed up their car with all the important things, like Boo's ipod so she can watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse,  Boo's best friend- Kitty and Boo's snack.  Boo likes Ritz mini peanut butter sandwich crackers.  But, she takes them apart and eats the peanut butter out and puts the crackers back.  If Boo ever offers you some of her snack...... chances are, she's already chewed it, sucked it or licked it first.  Your best bet is to just say no. 

We always enjoy our time with them.  It makes things fun!  And part of the fun, is making that city girl do our farm work.  She's not yet two, but girlfriend knows how to feed a calf......and I bet there aren't too many toddlers in Jersey who can say that!

It just so happens that a few days before Boo's Big Visit......we had a set of preemie bull calves born.  Oh my word.....are they ever cute!

We weren't sure what to call them.......The Dairy Farmer suggested Mutt and Jeff, but that's just too predictable.   Farm Boy Jr. Edition said ......Sherlock and Sammy.  Why Sammy?  Because Watson was too hard to spell.  Duh.  

Sherlock and Sammy are PERFECT for Boo.  Just like Goldilocks and the Three Bears....these calves were "just right."  

Now, remember.....Boo is almost 2.....and these calves are smaller than her.   They come up to my knee.  Most newborn calves are mid thigh height.....or taller.   Right now, she's saying "milk pease"  and someone will bring her a bottle.  Because around these parts, Boo is royalty and she has two punks who wait on her hand and foot.  

Good work, Boo.  After she was done feeding Sherlock and Sammy, she went and collected buckets for the big calves and then she personally blew off all the flies that kept landing on their milk.  Our calves have never had it so good.  Thanks Boo, you made our job so much easier.   You come back and help anytime.