
June WAS dairy month

Boy, I was messing around today and I found this post that I had started back in June.  It was entitled "June is dairy month."  Well....seeing as how it is now September and really more like October....I changed it to "June WAS dairy month" and will continue to tell you what was on my mind...back June....when it was dairy month. Ok....well.....The Dairy Farmer...


It pays to play

In honor of our blogiversary....I had an idea rattling around in my empty gray matter.  I thought we should give something fun away to one of our farm following friends.  So, I told you if you commented, your name would go in a drawing to win something cool.  Well.....three of our loyal subjects commented and gone it, we'll give you all something! Congratulations...


I Will Survive

First I was afraidI was petrifiedKept thinking I could never livewithout you by my sideBut I spent so many nightsthinking how you did me wrongI grew strongI learned how to carry on......   that's right, Gloria Gaynor....sing it sister.  That is my life's theme song over the last 11 days.  You see, I am pretty sure I have been to h-e-double hockey sticks.....and back.  I have been without internet <sound of you hitting the floor>.  I know, I's hard to believe isn't it?   First, The Dairy Farmer, in polyurethane...


Never Forget.....

Ten hard to believe.  Seems like just yesterday and also like a million years ago.  Everyone has a 9-11 story.  It's an event that will forever be etched in our memories.  Where we were...what we were doing....who we were with.   At least we are here to many are not.  Ones that were in the towers that day or in the...


Happy Blogiversary!

Happy blogiversary to Farmin' in the Ville!  It's been one year since I decided to overwhelm you with my mad writing skillz and useless farm knowledge....aren't you so lucky?  People from far and wide (or friends) kept saying I needed to "blog."  What the heck for, I thought?  My life is so dull and boring, what on earth would compel people to read about cows and manure?  Well.....I thought it over and ...heck....there are blogs out there about much more mundane things, so why not?  And one year ago, this very day....I wrote...



If you are a scout, today is wear your uniform to school day.  This normally occurs early in the school those boys something to be proud of.  It's particularly important this year.  Since the 10th anniversary of September 11th is coming up, the boys are asked to wear their uniforms today... in honor and to remember. Farm boy, Jr. edition...


A public shout out

I feel compelled to share something today.  I don't often post twice in one day, but I just want to say this:  The Dairy Farmer and I have awesome kids. That doesn't mean that The DF and I are awesome parents.....I am sure we are messing up our kids pretty good.  I often tell the oldest that I am sorry she is our starter child.  The one on which we learn what not to do.  But, we have been blessed by God with these two....he has given us very special kids and entrusted them to us....and I am pretty sure I don't tell them enough.  I'm hoping that...


Special visitors......part 2

So, I told you about mantis visiting our farm....that was pretty cool.  I mean, he is one of the Furious Five and all, but he didn't whip out any mad kung fu moves (that I saw anyway). The people that found was none other than Boo, my better than sliced bread niece and Boo's momma.  Boo is off school for a few weeks and after the punks and...


Special Visitors

We had a special visitor at our farm this week.  When we went in to feed our hungry, hungry hippos the other day, this lady was hanging out on the fence.  I'm going to assume it was a lady.  I have heard that after they mate, the ladies bite the heads off their husbands. So... true that, sister.....true that.   I kid, I wouldn't bite the head off my dairy...