
I think I need a vacation

I had a terrible dream last night.  A terrible, work related dream.   I know you LOVE when people share their dreams......and since it's my job to entertain you with all things farm related.....I just HAVE to relay my crazy dream.  Maybe it will reveal something deep rooted about my fragile psyche? In a nutshell- our farm burned down. I had to move all our calves. I moved them all to Municipal Park......they surrounded the entire pool. I had to bottle feed every single one of them (there are more than 60 right now)  by myself....in...


Two Words.....UGGGG LEEEEE

So, if you know me, you know I have 2 XXL dogs.  If you know me, you know I love my XXL dogs.  Their comfort is a high priority on my list and I have sacrificed at least 2 couches to them.  The last one was totally destroyed.    You see Abby: well, she's a "nest" er.  She digs and digs and circles and circles to make herself a nice nest before...


bow chicka wow wow.......

The Dairy Farmer came home a tad frustrated yesterday.  He has been noticing that the fellow on the top floor of an apartment  near us seems to have a very large television, located near a very large window.   Now, I know the DF has TV envy, but that's not the sole reason for his annoyance.  Seems this fella watches a good bit of porn.....on his big TV.....on a Saturday morning,...which apparently can be seen quite clearly from the road.  Now,  a wife might ask.....how on earth can you tell it's porn when you are SUPPOSED...


We are in TRUB-BLE!

My Dairy Farmer is one hard workin' dude.  He works long hours in the heat, the cold and the dead of night (much like your postman) to bring you the delicious dairy products you have grown accustomed to.  Feel free to thank him for preventing your osteoporosis. Seriously, he works every single day of the year....that's 365 days the last time I checked.  He...


The Wizard?

The Wizard? But nobody can see the Great Oz! Nobody's ever seen the Great Oz! Even I've never seen him! That's kind of how I feel sometimes.  I am the numero uno photographer of all events around this joint.  I am the primary videographer of all things interesting (and not so interesting).  I am the only person who feels it's necessary to blog about the goings...


It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood....

On Monday, we started moving some dirt to make a new "calf pad".....sounds so....seventies.....so retro......so Austin Powers.  It's shagadelic, baby.     But, it's really just a level piece of ground where we can relocate our calves to try and offer them better protection from that blasted wind.  The wind around here really blows, man. ...


I love a snow day!

And so does my son!  So far, we've had just enough snow that it's pretty and fresh, but hasn't shut down the workings of the farm.  We've had enough to play in and sled in and ride 4 wheelers in, but not enough that we've had to plow.   We've had enough that my boy is in pure heaven.  He has been up since 7:30 working and playing and hasn't even been...


Can we dig it? Yes, we can!

There is something exciting happening on our farm!  And, if you are anything like my boys, you'll be happy to hear that we have big machines working around here!   The Dairy Farmer FINALLY decided that we need to relocate our calves, not because they witnessed a serious crime or anything.  We aren't putting them in the witness protection program....we're...