
Snow......yay or nay?

Of course, the first snow fall occurs on our weekend to work.  Technically it's not the "first" snowfall since we were trick or treating in 8 inches of the white stuff, but this one came with ice.....and that's not as much fun.

The day starts when the dogs use our porch as a toilet since breaking through the ice covered snow hurts their widdle feet.  We did get a bit of a late start since A) I tried to let the punks sleep in for a little and 2) my clothes were not quite dry.   By the time my lovelies were awake and jumping for joy at the thought of putting on 4 layers of clothes and trekking outside, the rain/sleet had stopped....that is always a good thing.

Here's one reason we don't like snow- Big Green spent the night in the snow and now her (cars are always girls, right?)  windshield is covered, her wipers are iced over and my doors are frozen shut. 

My rear view mirrors.....this creates a problem.  I am a girl and as many girls, I am "back up" challenged.  That's right.....I can't back up a car, truck, bike....heck, I even have trouble walking backwards.  With the milk tank in the bed.....I can't do the look over my shoulder back up, my windows are frozen shut so I can't lean out and since I got this farm gig, I have learned that those mirrors on the side of your car.....they help you to back up!  Heck yeah....they totally do!  But, I was basically ice blocked this morning so I just backed up- and when I hit something, that's when I knew to stop.   Worked out ok.

Oh dear......next problem.   This is the back of Big Green.  The milk hose is under there somewhere and it is frozen shut.    Copious amounts of hot water will fix that.  The other problem is that after the hose is de-froze....the truck bed gets icy and I have to climb in and out of it.   I am careful, but I do have a vision of me slipping some day and knocking out my front teeth....then, I can't find my teeth because they are lost in the snow and I have to go through the rest of my life toothless.  I am sure that has some sort of deep rooted, psychological meaning...clearly, I have issues.   

Oh dear.......I know what this mean.  These buckets of warm water are defrosting bottles of colostrum.  The first milk that all new babies need.....which means....we have a pile of new babies.  Our Weekend Warrior is gonna be hopping today!   He mentioned that we have a lot of ladies due in the next month.  Guess we best get ready.  

Yup......just as I suspected:   babies galore!



a very new bull

a very new heifer

another very new heifer- she got new legs (said in a Forrest Gump voice....as in "Lieutenant Dan.....you got new legs")

Curious mommas in the house! 

Hungry mommas in the house!

We got all our calves fed- horses are fed and outside enjoying the snow.   The old man has new threads this year.  I think he likes them. 

Chickens have food and water and now........

It's time to PLAY!!!!!!

So- snow.....yay or nay?  Well, it certainly does throw a wrench into our day.  It makes farming a little tougher.  But, what is it about snow?  The punks are out sledding and riding 4 wheelers, the dogs and even the horses were playing this morning.  Snow just makes everything seem fresh and new......like a do over.  I say.....yay!