
Help us All

The Dairy Farmer came home the other day, sat down on the couch and said, "I'm on the Twitter."  Now....he doesn't really know what he's doing and honestly, I don't know either.  I don't Tweet, Twit or Twoot.  But, there is some dairy chick out there who calls herself the Dairy Goddess and has over 1000 followers on the Twitter, so he wanted to see what in the heck you have to do to get that many people involved in dairy.

We struggle with this blog and our facebook page, because...honestly.....we live our lives like Groundhog Day.  We pretty much do the same thing day in and day out.  It's not really interesting.....to us anyway.....and we never know what to to talk about.   Of course, I am not the one who can BOOM...drop some knowledge....that would be The DF.  And, he's usually pretty busy trying to keep this farm going.  Many times too busy to tell me what to say....so, I'm left unattended to BOOM.....drop some useless knowledge on all y'all. 

Don't get me wrong....we love when our days chug along and we're doing the same thing day in and day out.  That's normal and that's the way we like it.  In fact, truth be told, if The Dairy Farmer was to sit down and blog about his days here at Brechland Farms, I'm afraid putting it in print would make him severely depressed and where would we be without our DF? 

So, we'll keep trying.....trying to drop all the knowledge we can that you all might find a tad bit interesting and hopefully entertained at the same time.

The point of this post is that- BOOM.....the DF just tweeted his first tweet......I don't have any clue what the heck that means, but I got an email this morning saying he tweeted me.  That sounds dirty...but it's not. 

Here it what he tweeted:

While he was out at 4am working.....he was thinking of you all, and thought you might find this interesting.  Awww....he's so sweet.