
Farm Show Twenty Twelve

This year the Center for Dairy Excellence asked us to help out at their Agriculture Today display at the PA Farm Show.   Of course, The Dairy Farmer jumped on that because he loves being out in publik! 

We got up early Monday morning, loaded up the punks and were Farm Show bound!  The DF was starting to get the "first day of school" jitters on the way up, but he held it together!

We finally found a parking place...sheesh that place was packed at 8:30am!  We headed in to find our spot and low and behold.......Farm Boy Jr. Edition saw a friend:

Here we go:
They had a mock barn set up with various aspects of agriculture.  It was made to represent "real life" and where that animal would be housed in the real world. 

We were located right beside the hogs.  Man....I gotta say....those suckers stink.  I'm sorry, but they do.  It took me a little while to get used to it.   It made me thankful for cow stink. 

Then I saw this:

And this sure made me thankful that I had one baby at a time.

Turkeys were there to represent.......they are thankful that November is over.

Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry........

Then.....there was.......us:

Now, of course we were there to speak on behalf of the dairy industry. These guys are steers.

 I'll show you our display tomorrow.  You like that hook?  Gotta get you to come back somehow!