

Today (ok...it got late...so really, it was yesterday) is hoof trimming day here on the farm.  Now, I am still a newbie when it comes to this farm stuff, but I have grown accustom to the familiar sound of the high pitched whine of the grinding tool.....I know exactly what that means.....yup.....the hoof trimmer is in da house! He shows up around 5am...rain or shine....sleet,...


Snow......yay or nay?

Of course, the first snow fall occurs on our weekend to work.  Technically it's not the "first" snowfall since we were trick or treating in 8 inches of the white stuff, but this one came with ice.....and that's not as much fun. The day starts when the dogs use our porch as a toilet since breaking through the ice covered snow hurts their widdle feet.  We did get a bit...


Farm Show Twenty Twelve- part 2

When we got to our designated area- they gave us ear tags to put on.  Say what? You'll notice that Jr's is missing, it's because he took them literally and is actually wearing it in his ear.  Nah, that's not true, but he does have it hanging in his room.  They outfitted us with vests and made sure that everyone knew we were in the presence of a VERY important...


Farm Show Twenty Twelve

This year the Center for Dairy Excellence asked us to help out at their Agriculture Today display at the PA Farm Show.   Of course, The Dairy Farmer jumped on that because he loves being out in publik!  We got up early Monday morning, loaded up the punks and were Farm Show bound!  The DF was starting to get the "first day of school" jitters on the way...