
The Day the Farm Went Black

A nightmare came to fruition Sunday night.  One thing you don't really want to think about is loosing power for a long period of time.  No one wants to be without power....we've come to enjoy cold food, hot showers, Internet and air conditioning.  But, for a dairy to loose power, especially in the middle of summer, it truly can be a nightmare. It happened to us around 9:30 Sunday night.  It was pretty much an emergency and I just thought it would be kinda cool to give you the low down on how things went in the 12 hours we had no electricity. ...


When does school start?'s been a REALLY long time since I've blogged.  So sorry if you've been missing your daily dose of farming.  Things here are moving along.  As I discussed on Facebook, about 2 weeks ago we were in a drought situation, things in The Ville were looking a bit parched.  Corn was dry and wilting.  The ears were coming on and without rain, they were...


God's Promise

A few days ago, we happened to have a pretty decent storm around these parts.  Afterwards, we looked out The Dairy Farmer's office window and low and behold....a full on double rainbow! It was so close to our house, that we could see the end shimmering just in front of our woods by Penn National.  We considered running over right quick and just standing in it, hoping...


Here we go again

When I was out browsing around the barn the other day, guess who I saw? None other than Ms. Brown Sugar.  She has a special place in our hearts, because she was our first red calf that was born on my watch.   You can read all about her in her very own blog post HERE. Then Brown Sugar had her first baby......which was named Cheezit and you can read all about her...


Saying Goodbye

I must say, I am getting tired of saying goodbye to my pets.  We lost our beloved Abby last summer and last week, I had to say farewell to a part of my childhood.  I was volunteering at my kids school when I received a call from The Dairy Farmer saying that my horse, Rocky had died.  It's bittersweet.  It's never easy to loose a friend, but he was 40...


Spring has Sprung

And you know what comes with life.  Be it flowers blooming, trees budding, pollen filling the air and clogging our sinuses.....everything comes alive in the spring.  And spring means.....babies....... This is Orange.  She's a cute little kitten that befriended us last year.  I say befriended "us" but really she befriended Big Green....the...


A Milestone

It seems like long ago and far away, but in the winter of 2009, I started working on the farm....after a nice long 10 year run as a stay at home mom.  Here is the first calf I fed....we've talked about her before.  Good old 2829.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  It was cold and I was reluctant. I had one calf to feed on my first day.....and I had...


Motley Crue

It was a normal Thursday night for this farmin' family.  The Dairy Farmer in his kerchief and I in my cap, had just settled in for a long winter's nap....or, something along those lines.  More like we were just settling in to watch American Idol.  I heard The DF open the front door and someone say "you have cows out."  Nothing...and I repeat nothing,...


Sleeping Beauties

I was downloading pictures from Jr's camera the other day, and I found this.....  He had just received it for Christmas and was anxious to take it to Grandma's house on Christmas day.  Here is the very first picture from his brand new camera....and I'm the one who took it.  As we were pulling out of the driveway, we looked to our right and saw that everyone...


The Dairy Farmer Weighs In

We, at Brechland Farms, feel it is our responsibility to consumers to help you understand what we do and why we do it.  As you likely know, we, personally, do not support the raw milk "movement".  As most of you also know, our area has had an outbreak of sickness that many believe is from drinking local raw milk.  We pray that those that are ill will recover fully without any long term side effects.  In light of this outbreak....our industry will suffer negatively from this, so we wanted weigh in.  We have heard that the milk has tested...



Today ( got really, it was yesterday) is hoof trimming day here on the farm.  Now, I am still a newbie when it comes to this farm stuff, but I have grown accustom to the familiar sound of the high pitched whine of the grinding tool.....I know exactly what that means.....yup.....the hoof trimmer is in da house! He shows up around 5am...rain or shine....sleet,...


Snow......yay or nay?

Of course, the first snow fall occurs on our weekend to work.  Technically it's not the "first" snowfall since we were trick or treating in 8 inches of the white stuff, but this one came with ice.....and that's not as much fun. The day starts when the dogs use our porch as a toilet since breaking through the ice covered snow hurts their widdle feet.  We did get a bit...