
Fifteen....who knew?

 Fifteen years ago, this very day....I married The Dairy Farmer.   I've said many times that this blog has become an online memoir for our kids.  I am just amazed how many times I find the oldest punk on here- reading and re-reading and re-re-reading these posts (hi poodle!) and laughing like crazy.  That, my friends, does my heart good.  At least one person in this house finds me hilarious.   After 15 years....The DF just does the slow head shake, and probably, as Dierks Bentley says, wonders.....what was I thinkin'?

So, I am going back through the archives of my mind and trying to remember the day we got engaged and the day we got married.  It's not quite as easy as remembering when the punks were born.....but, as The Dairy Farmer can attest.....there ain't much I forget. 

I have know this man since junior high if not before, I think.  We've always been friends.....with a little "something" hanging over our heads.  Just that little piece of  "I'd like it to be more, but afraid to do something about it" kinda thing.   We just continued on being friends  I  mean, this poor man has been with me for 27 years!  You'd think he'd have wised up in that time....but he's still here!  He was (and is) my go to guy- even through other relationships we were in, we still counted on the other as one of our besties. 

When I think back about our relationship.....I always think of this song:   

Anyway- we went to a Halloween party at Penn State University in October 1995.  It was a fun party- but The Dairy Farmer was NOT my favorite person that weekend.  He was grumpy and short and in general....not much fun.   The ride home was quiet, that's for sure.   He pulled off at the lookout at the top of the mountain-  you know where I mean, right?  The lookout where you can see down in the valley for miles?  And, he pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him.  I'm sad that I don't remember what he said.....because my mind was thinking "yes.....but not right now....and don't you go pressuring me."  He has a habit of doing that. 

I believe, if memory serves, we were engaged on his grandparents anniversary, which was pretty special.  We set about planning a wedding and it went smoothly.   A little over a year later- on November 23, 1996 at 6pm, we were married at Tompson Chapel at Wilson College.  It was a pretty quick and painless ceremony.  Don't remember too much about that, but we do have a grainy VHS to watch when we want to be reminded.  

 I think the most memorable part of that night was that my girls and I dressed at my Dad's house and a limo was to take us to Wilson.  The driver thought we should do a loop through town and show off a bit.   It happened to be Christmas Parade night in downtown Chambersburg and we sat in traffic for quite some time.   The DF may have been sweating a bit when I didn't show up on time!  Always keep em guessing...that's my motto. 

We had a quick reception- don't remember much about that either....except for the cake part.  We were coached to show our first act of respect as man and wife and NOT smear cake in each others faces.  I was cool with that.  But, when the time came.....everyone was yelling "do it, do it, do it"......I succumbed to the pressure and "did it."  The Dairy Farmer was not happy.....and it's a wonder he didn't tear up the marriage license then and there.   In retrospect......I'm sorry I did it, but watching the wasn't really that bad, a little scmutz on the side if his mouth.  I think he forgave me. 

Our honeymoon began that night....and we left our reception early and headed to The Grand Caymans.  We spent 10 lovely days of the best nights was enjoying our Thanksgiving dinner on a deck over the ocean eating fillet and lobster.   I would love to go back and take the punks, but The DF says....nope. It was our special place and we'll keep it that way. 

Instead, we went to Sanibel Island in Florida and spent a week with our friends....enjoying the sun and the shells and the ocean.  We sat on the beach, did nothing all day and we ate and drank and then...ate some more.  Our best vacation yet!

Happy Anniversary, Dairy Farmer.    I think we're doing something right if we're still going strong fifteen years later.  Thank you for your love, your patience, your humor, your advice, your respect, your strength, your laugh...I could go on and on, but really .....thank you.....for being you.  

And, to quote Farm Boy Jr. Edition......I hope you have a wonderful anniversary.  And if you don't, it doesn't matter, because there will be many more. 

Here is something I remember well:   when we were dating, you came to pick me up one night and I was still played this song as loud as you could.   It became "our song" and it was our first dance as husband and wife.