For those of you who don't know what that stands for- and that should be most of you, cause I just made that abbreviation stands for Proud Momma Moment.
I had one last night. I had 2 new stampers join me for a stamping class. They stayed and chatted a bit and as they were getting ready to leave, Farm Boy Jr. Edition came in the room. He needed to "ask me something." And by "ask me something," he's really coming in to scrounge for left over snack. He does this at all my events. He's not allowed to have snack until all the ladies have had their share, so you'll often find him hovering around, either sitting in my chair, hanging at the door, messing on the front porch, or coming in to "ask me something." I'm SO on to him.
Anyway, I introduced him to my ladies and he went over, shook their hands and said it was nice to meet them. No prompting, just did it. Then he told them about his map he had been working on for school.
Now, that really is no big thing, but my heart just swelled up all big and proud like. He is growing up, my little guy, and I had a glimpse of the mature, respectful and well mannered man he's going to be.
So many kids today lack good old fashioned manners. I feel so old when I say that, like I'm some 90 yr old granny saying, "by these days." But, darn it, it's true. I blame parents who don't care and TV. These shows on today just seem to promote that rudeness and disrespect of adults is funny. And, I will be the first to say that I do think iCarly is funny. But, I am a 90 yr old Granny and I can laugh and realize that that is NOT how I would treat my parents, teachers or friend's mothers. Good Heavens, if I ever talked like that when I was young, I am pretty sure I'd have had a backhand to the cheek and/or some soap. If I got in trouble at school like those kids do, well.....I am pretty sure when I got home, I wouldn't be sitting for quite some time. out there? Am I right? The little kids watching these shows (and c'mon, we all know 3 and 4 yr olds are watching these preteen shows) they don't get that this isn't ok.
I am very proud of my kids- I like that they shake hands when they meet someone new (thank you Montessori Academy for instilling that when they were 2). I like that they look someone in the eye when they speak to them. I like that Jr holds the door open for ladies and I like that they don't disrespect me or The Dairy Farmer (most of the time....and when they do, they are called on it and they usually apologize). I hope I haven't painted a picture of perfect kids, they aren't. And I'm surely not a perfect parent. But, when I have a proud momma moment, I feel like I should share it (cuz, my punks read this blog....... and being the imperfect momma that I am, I don't always tell them when I have a proud momma moment.)
And, so as not to leave the big one out in the cold: I had a proud momma moment when she came in my room after everyone left and helped me clean up and get things in order (now, I am paying her). But still, she did it when I asked...she was tired and ready to call it a night, but she helped me out. I then realized in the morning, that she was sick too.
That is all I have to say, thanks for reading. This soapbox moment has been brought to you by Mrs. The Farmer and the letters P and M and M.
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