

One day, when we were feeding calves, a very loud, very obnoxious and very black kitty came running out of the corn field.  He was a little bit skinny, but very, very friendly.  Most of our barn kitties are crazy wild.  We don't mess with them too much.  We like em on the lean side...shifty and hungry....that way, they keep the mouse population under control.  You start feeding them and loving on them and they become fat and lazy and suddenly your farm is like kitty welfare.....they come from all over for a free meal. 

So, when a totally friendly (and we're talking SUPER I feel like I want to crawl inside you friendly) kitty shows up, we usually figure they are a drop off.  This guy lived in the corn field and would show up twice a day to hang out and work with us.  We tried to decide on names for him....but nothing stuck except Black Kitty (BK for short).  Yeah, we are REALLY original around here.

Black Kitty did happen to come with a friend (another reason we figured he was a drop off).  But, this little kitty (known as BK's BFF) wasn't friendly.   Everyday, when we pulled up in our milk truck, good ole Black Kitty would come running up and rub, rub, rub all over us, just so gosh darn happy to see us.  And, he'd hang with us until our work was done.    There may have been a reason why:

I know, I said I don't like to feed them.  But, Black Kitty knew exactly what he was doing.  He was loud and obnoxious and as we were filling milk buckets, he was climbing in them and knocking them over.  As we put buckets into the hutch, he'd climb the side perching on the window to drink alongside the calf.  He was a pain.  So, we had to start feeding him a little bit too.   What can I say, I like to buy my friends.

He'd always drink his share and leave a little bit for his BFF who would hang back, just outside of the cornfield.  Close enough that we could see him, but far enough away that if we stepped one step too close, he'd take cover in the corn.   We all got a little worried when they started chopping.   We told Black Kitty to perhaps, shack up in the barn, or maybe grab a hotel for the night.  You know, Chambersburg is the hotel mecca....we only have about a thousand and all so close to 81.  I am pretty sure death by chopper is not the way you want to go.   And, the next morning....both kitties showed up.  Whew.....close call.  

But's been a week and Black Kitty hasn't come to work.  I am not sure if he is gainfully employed at another farm.  Or, if the snow in October made him think this was the end and he's taken cover in a fallout shelter somewhere, or according to the oldest punk, maybe he got married and is on his honeymoon (we hope that's it.....his bags weren't unpacked, if you get my drift).

Regardless.....we sure do miss him.   Funny how that little black cat could make our day a wee bit brighter.

I miss you rubbing on my boots, Black Kitty........if you are reading this, we miss you, please come back......I'll pay you.