
Christmas Eve on the Farm

Apparently, it's been a month since I've blogged.  The oldest punk has been scolding me for quite some time.  And The Dairy Farmer has been telling me I don't talk enough bout the farm. 

Life has been flying by at the speed of sound and before you know it a month goes by.  So, to keep the peace, I best get on it.

Today is Christmas Eve, but to our cows, it's just another day.  They certainly are not expecting a day off.  The Dairy Farmer is working this weekend, so he arose bright and early to get all the cows fed.   Of course, on a holiday, nothing goes as smooth as you'd hope and Jr. Edition woke up with a stomach bug.   The show must go on, so Poodle and I headed out to feed calves.

Here we are- a far cry from bright eyed and bushy tailed, more like sleep deprived, make-up less and still wiping boogers from our eyes.

We headed up to overflow parking......we are full at the inn, once again and we are storing some heifers in the maternity pens.

First thing we noticed is that our newer heifers have one pink ear tag and one white one.  We ran out of white and we already have some pink tagged calves that belong to Taryn, so we didn't want any confusion.

As we were feeding, some nosey neighbors showed up to see what was going on:

Who you eyeballin', sister?

The big mommas are hanging out, just chillin' waiting until the time is right.  I suspect we may see some Christmas calves tomorrow morning.

T and I headed down to feed the rest of the calves....when we found this. 
Little, she's a cutie.

We finished up in no time.  I sent T to water older calves and I took Big Green back to the barn for clean up.   Once the milk tank is hosed out, the bottles are in the dishwasher and the pasteurizer is cleaned and reset, it's time to head inside. 

As I was heading in, I had to take a quick pic of my back porch.  The Dairy Farmer hasn't had an oven for a few days and cooking really is his joy.  Needless to say, his aggressions were taken out on our back porch.  I will readily admit that this was a concern for me.  Mainly, because I know my husband and he has a million and one unfinished projects, but as of yesterday.....this is what we have. 

I do have to show this.  He worked on it most of the night last night, in fact, he was so proud of his first truss, he had to bring it in the house to show all of us.  We turned off the tv and "oohed" and "ahhed" for, like a minute. 

All in all, today was wonderful.  Usually we struggle on holidays, because anything and everything can and will go wrong.  As much as we all dream about a white Christmas, for those of us who work outside everyday, we do enjoy good weather.   All our babies have full bellies and are bathing in the sun and we are ready to spend some time with our family (well, until we do it all again at 3:30pm)