
Christmas Day on the Farm

Christmas is here!  Good morning from our farm....this was my view this morning:

Another calm and peaceful morning.....everyone is just starting to wake up: 


 and outside.

And these two, well they are awake and full of the spirit!

When we got to the barn, we saw:


All fresh and new...and both girls!  Yeah!!

When we got to the rest of the calves, we found this.  Santa forgot to shut the gate!  We returned her from whence she came and got to work.   There is one thing you can NOT do and that is fill buckets full of milk with one of these hanging round your pickem up truck!

Now, we are all sitting around the TV, watching 24 hours of a Christmas Story and waiting...and waiting....and waiting as patiently as we can for The Dairy Farmer to come in so we can have Christmas! 

Wishing you all a Very, Merry Christmas!
From our yours!