
Y'all ready for this????

I'm guessing a few months ago, I may have been complaining about the state of the hardwood floors in my living room.  Not even "may have"....I most certainly was.  I even remember posting about.  I was issuing a challenge to The Dairy Farmer....a "throwdown" if you will.  I was making a public display in front of tens of people, in hopes of lighting a fire under his bum so that he would get our floors done.  I seem to remember discussing how slow things can move around here.  I haven't looked it up, but I do believe the date was mid April- the 18th to be exact.  But, I'm not keeping track.  I had told him that the floors needed to be redone before any new piece of furniture entered this house...and we have a new sofa on order. 

In the meantime- we had spring tornadoes, summer droughts, late summer earthquakes and most recently, a hurricane....needless to say, my floors were still in the same state of disrepair.

I went to visit my sister and Boo, my better than sliced bread niece, last week.  We needed a baby fix STAT before the kids started school.  I'm sorry, a toddler fix, I stand corrected.   When I arrived home, I walked in the front door to find my living room in my dining room, kitchen and hallway.

There was a very narrow path through the house, which of course, was blocked by a happy tailed mastiff.  Oh dear.  I DO NOT like surprises.  I also was greeted half heartedly by a very tired, very sore and very cranky Dairy Farmer who said, " I wish you weren't here."  I DO NOT like cranky dairy farmers. 

He had decided late Sunday night to refinish the floors.  After 2 VERY late nights, it wasn't done and I just dumped 2 punks and a tired momma into the middle of a hot mess. 

In the midst of the sanding, he had also done the baseboards, so they were in need of some painting.  I had plans for grand things the following day, but a paint brush was thrust into my hand instead.  While we're at it, let's give a fresh coat to the whole dang room!  Yes....splendid!   Off we went to Lowe's! 

I thought he was cranky about the floors, oh my......he was even crankier about having to paint the next day!  But, we got r done......and as the sun set on our shiny, new floor and our lovely white baseboards and our freshly coated walls.....the heavens opened and the angels sang!  What a sight to behold! 

Isn't it grand?  The DF did this on his hands and knees applying each coat of polyurethane with a 6 inch paint brush.  It was a lot of work, but cheaper than hiring someone.  And, The DF does enjoy saving some green.  I am pretty sure after 4 days of this, he isn't going to quit his day job.   Excellent work, may cross that off your to do list.  Now, the dining room floor looks so dull.......



Want to hear something ironic?  That sofa that we ordered in mid April?  They told us it would be about 14 weeks for us to get may just take that long to get these floors done!  Well, the store called on Wed......just as The DF was apply the last coat of stain!  It is due to arrive at the store on Thursday!  The Dairy Farmer does his best work under pressure!