
Y'all ready for this????

I'm guessing a few months ago, I may have been complaining about the state of the hardwood floors in my living room.  Not even "may have"....I most certainly was.  I even remember posting about.  I was issuing a challenge to The Dairy Farmer....a "throwdown" if you will.  I was making a public display in front of tens of people, in hopes of lighting a fire under...


Real time on the farm

Right now:  1) there is a burping, farting mastiff asleep in my living room (mastiffs are like that) 2) there is a snoring 10 yr old punk sacked out on my couch (cub scout camp will do that to you) 3) that ridiculously obstinate calf is continuing to bawl....all stinkin' afternoon.  She is hoarse and her moo now sounds like a croak.  This is day 4 of her shenanigans (it's hard realizing you have to grow up) 4) 48 dump trucks (or, perhaps 2)  are running up and down my driveway make all kinds of racket.  They are hauling August. ...


Mystery Solved

At any given time, there are at least 6 pairs of muck boots on my back porch.  They vary in type, size and ...smell.   One of the pairs belongs to me.  When I take my boots off...they are placed in a particular spot....side by side. Not because I'm anal or anything...but because....well......I'm anal. Now that 3 of us in this family of four are wearing...


The Dairy Farmer- unplugged

We just returned from vacation on Saturday.  We decided to try something a little different and instead of a beach locale, we chose to rent a lake house and see how we liked it.   I'd say we liked it just fine.   The kids got to tube, kneeboard, fish, swim and basically soak up so much water, we had to come home.....just to dry out.  Here comes The...